Chapter 14

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At some point Dixie had returned and informed Scarlett that she would be released from the hospital soon, as they had found nothing on her tests that indicated a need for continued hospitalization. While she was happy at the prospect of finally leaving the dreary confines of the hospital, she was also terrified as she knew she had nowhere to go. Scarlett, knowing she couldn't tell anyone the truth about her time travel, quickly concocted a sob story worthy of an award. Dixie had felt so bad for her that she agreed to let her stay with her until she found somewhere else.

As she sat on the edge of her bed waiting for her discharge papers to be written up, something she knew could take awhile, her thoughts drifted to the earlier encounter with Johnny and Roy. Roy had said Johnny had been talking nonstop about her and had even canceled plans with him to come see her and Johnny had seemed almost embarrassed. What did this mean?

Scarlett wasn't dense, she knew what this could mean, but she found it was better to not get her hopes up. For when you got your hopes up they were in prime position to be crushed, and she wasn't sure she could take getting these hopes crushed. Still, the thought that he might return her feelings had risen to the forefront of her mind and threatened to overcome her and Scarlett knew she had to find out soon, if only to save her sanity. Or at least some of it.

Scarlett also knew that Dixie would almost certainly guarantee that Johnny knew where she was and she almost wished she wouldn't. Maybe disappearing without a trace would be a good thing. If he did like her, she knew dragging him into the mess that was her life would be completely unfair to him. She was like a tornado, she destroyed everyone around her, and Johnny was too good of a person to do that to. This was just one of many downsides to having feelings for somone. Why couldn't she have just stayed numb?

Sudden noise outside her door made her look up and she half expected it to be Johnny, but instead it was Dixie who informed her that her discharge papers were finished and she could go. Dixie had also said that she had just enough time to take Scarlett to her home before she had to be back at the hospital since she didn't get off until later.

It wasn't long before she found herself alone in Dixie's apartment with nothing to do. Yes, she had books and a TV like she'd only seen in antique shops, but there wasn't much entertainment to be found there. Then, a thought hit her.

Making her way into Dixie's bathroom Scarlett rummaged through her bathroom supplies...until she found exactly what she was looking for. Razors. She didn't think Dixie would miss one as she took it and went off to her room to finally get some much needed comfort.

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