Chapter 27

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"Now why'd you have to go and do that for, huh?" He asked, but Scarlett noted it wasn't full of annoyance. Instead it seemed to be more of a teasing question.

Still, pulling off the oxygen mask, that had been replaced earlier, she replied anyway.

"You need to take care of yourself too. Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Scarlett almost wanted to punch him as he gave an undignified snort and rolled his eyes at her.

"Yeah, I've heard that before."

The comment didn't quite make sense to Scarlett's still recovering brain, and Johnny supplied her with the answer as well.

"You said you were fine before... " Johnny hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with the subject at hand. "Before you.. Well...before you died on me. So excuse me if it's lost a little validity since then."

Johnny offered her a small smile, one that didn't didn't quite reach his eyes, but it didn't matter right now.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean for that to happen..." Scarlett couldn't keep the shakiness from her voice and she hoped Johnny didn't notice it but his sudden change of demeanor said he had.

"Hey, hey, now look at me," Johnny grabbed her chin and pulled her face gently to look at him. "It was not your fault. You had no way of knowing that would happen. If there's anyone who deserves some blame here it's me for not taking you to the hospital for your flu sooner."

Of course Johnny blamed himself. He would because he was too good of a person not to. Scarlett didn't want him to blame himself though, he certainly didn't deserve it.

"Johnny, you know it's not your fault. Don't try to blame yourself for this." And before she could stop herself she leaned up and kissed him. It didn't matter in this moment how much her abused body protested the movement, she needed this.

There was a quick note of surprise that flickered across Johnny's face as he clearly didn't expect it, but she found him returning the kiss anyway.

Scarlett could feel as his fingers softly curled in her hair and she knew he was being extra gentle with her and for once she actually did appreciate it.

She finally allowed herself to fall back against her pillows as their kiss ended, a soft smile playing on her lips. When she had been dead, stuck in that lonely warm place, Scarlett had thought maybe she would never get to do that again and she was incredibly grateful that she had.

"Here, put this back on before Brackett comes back and has my hide," Johnny said as he settled her oxygen mask back on. He obviously caught the face she made as he added. "Yeah, I hate wearing them too, ask anyone. Brackett must think you still need it though and don't question the doc. He hates that."

Without warning the infamous grin appeared across his face and Scarlett could almost pretend to herself that nothing happened. It had though and she knew there was no going back. She only hoped she'd be able to make it up to him for almost dying, if it was at all possible.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now