Chapter 34

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Dixie pushed Scarlett to Johnny's room, but stopped just outside.

"I have to warn you, he's pretty out of it from the pain medications. He won't remember anything you say later."

"Yeah, I get it." She nodded, and as Dixie pushed her inside the room, she finally caught sight of Johnny for the first time since he'd stormed out of her hospital room.

Admittedly, he looked bad. His right leg was in a cast, not to mention the incision she knew was on his abdomen from the surgery he'd had just hours before. The bandaged cut on his cheek and the bruises she could see peppering his skin were also not doing his appearance any favors.

"Hey." Scarlett said, as Dixie moved her to the side of the bed. It was a strange feeling having the roles reversed.

"Hey yourself." He said, giving a raspy reply which was accompanied by a silly grin. It was completely obvious now that he was sick, as well as loopy, which Dixie warned her about.

Scarlett couldn't suppress the giggle that escaped her. She'd never seen him this way, and it was strange, but yet extremely cute at the same time.

"I'll leave you two alone." Dixie gave her a knowing smile and pat on the shoulder before leaving.

"How do you feel?" She asked, even though she could guess the answer. The loopy grin he was wearing was really the best indicator.

"Good, now that you're here." Johnny reached out and grabbed her hand. "Missed you."

Scarlett gave him a smile of her own. "I missed you too. You know, since I'm not allowed to scare you anymore, that doesn't mean you go and scare me."

"Sorry, didn't mean to. I... I don't know what happened." Johnny began coughing and, even to Scarlett, it didn't sound good.

"I'm sorry I got you sick, by the way. You probably should've just left me alone."

"Never wanna leave you alone. Love you, 'member?" The silly grin returned as he pulled his hand out of hers and placed it on her stomach. "Wanna spend the rest of my life with you. And the baby. Promise I'll never leave you alone."

Scarlett was suddenly struck with a sense of deja vu and she wondered if Johnny even remembered the last time they'd had this conversation. Honestly, she hoped he didn't.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you too."

"Yeah? Love me now?" He replied as his eyes drifted shut, making Scarlett wonder if he was falling asleep. He did look exhausted. It was also evident he did, in fact, remember that conversation. Damn.

"Of course I do. I always have, you know, from the moment I first saw you." Scarlett allowed herself to admit for the first time out loud, safe in the knowledge he wouldn't remember later. There would be time later to have a proper conversation about it, when he wasn't under the influence of heavy painkillers.

If she hadn't been watching his face, she would've missed the small, but silly smile.

"So you'll marry me then?" Johnny asked and immediately went into a coughing fit, making Scarlett wince.

"Yeah, of course I will." Scarlett replied, as his coughing subsided. "You're the love of my life, why wouldn't I?"

"Didn't sound so enthusiastic before..."

Scarlett tensed as he was obviously referring to the first conversation. The conversation she wished she could forget.

"I know, I'm sorry. Like I said, it was just too much all at once. I didn't mean to make you mad."

Johnny's eyes had drifted shut again, and Scarlett could tell he was fighting a losing battle at staying awake.

"Wasn't mad, was hurt. Thought you didn't love me back."

"Well, I do, and you need to sleep. You look exhausted." In all fairness, he still looked simply adorable, in a way only Johnny could manage.

"Don't wanna..." He mumbled. "Don't wanna leave you."

"Don't worry about that. You need to rest, you know." Scarlett replied, suddenly remembering something she had wanted to ask him. "Why didn't you tell Roy about the pregnancy, by the way?"

"Too busy. Worrying. Losing my mind. Losing my mind with worry." Johnny said as his glassy dark eyes met hers, and he blinked sleepily, clearly struggling to stay awake. "Wasn't a good time to tell."

Even though his explanation was pretty crappy, Scarlett accepted it for now since it was clear he was drugged, and slowly losing his fight to stay awake. She hoped he'd be able to elaborate at a later date.

"Okay, Johnny. You really need to sleep now though." She said as she softly stroked his hair, in what she hoped was a comforting action. After all, he'd done it to her, and it was pretty great.

" 'K" He replied simply, as he finally gave in and sunk into the blissful depths of unconsciousness, which made her almost jealous of him. She knew sleeping would be a struggle as long as he was in the hospital.

Scarlett stayed awhile longer, but Johnny remained in a deep sleep, and even though she wished he'd wake up she knew it was for the best that he slept and healed.

It wasn't too much later when Dixie came back and wheeled her back to her own room, where she knew she wouldn't get any sleep tonight.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now