Chapter 38

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Scarlett didn't know what she should do. The love of her life was sick, and she felt helpless to truly help him. The only saving grace was that he seemed to be getting better, if ever so slightly. At least that was the indication that Brackett and the others had given her.

Leaning over him, she kissed him on the cheek, and made sure he was properly covered, her gaze lingering on his unconscious face. She imagined him opening his eyes, all better, and the two of them going back to their home where she would say once again she loved him and would marry him, and they would have a life with one another.

Unfortunately, she didn't know what else to do. She wasn't exactly good at waiting, especially when it involved Johnny and him getting better. Letting out a deep breath, Scarlett just proceeded to watch him as he slept, taking in every detail.

"When you wake up, things are probably going to change," She said, to herself, voicing her thoughts aloud. "Not exactly sure how, but always figure marriage just magically changes things."

She was intentionally ignoring the child part of the equation. It was easier to just focus on one step at a time, rather than overburdening herself with all the possible changes that would arise from all this. Easier to focus on the marriage first, since that would likely be where they begun.

Letting out a contented sigh, she thought back on all the events on that night that led to here. Thought back on how she was once upset about following that cat, and somehow winding up in the past... But now, she was happy. She had met the man of her life, and while he was sick currently, he would get better, she repeated to herself, and they would get married. They would have a kid, and a life together. Honestly, following that cat that night had ended up the best decision of her life, and she was happy for all the little things that had happened along the way. After all, she now had Johnny, and when he got better, repeating the thought of him better a third time as if to magically make it so right now, things would be great. Great in ways her old self would have never believed possible.

At some point, Brackett came back in, and checked up on Johnny, only to leave shortly after without saying much or badgering Scarlett to rest. He was probably still worried about being badgered by Dixie if he said even a word to indicate Scarlett should leave. Something of which Scarlett was grateful for because she didn't exactly want to be apart from Johnny just yet, content to just be looking at him as he rest, while engrossed in her own thoughts. She did realize that at some point, though, she would need to leave so she herself could properly rest up. She was worried that if she didn't she'd get badgered by a joint combo of Brackett and Dixie nagging her. That they would tell her that just because Johnny got sick, it didn't mean she could just ignore her own wellbeing to make sure he was okay. Thankfully though, that moment in which she left didn't need to be right this second.

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