Chapter Four

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Kayla's Pov
We all stand around Clary looking at her and Simon was the first to speak.

"Great I'll drive" Simon speaks up

Me, Alec, Izzy, and Jace just turn our heads looking
at Simon. Giving this intimidating look.

"What, unless you have a shadow hunter mobile or something"

We were all still looking at Simon and Izzy just let out a small laugh. Simon looks down at the floor and all around

" You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me right."

Me and the gang all look at each other just smirking.

"Possibly" I say

We start walking towards the door of the institute to leave. Simon following behind.

"Wait am I gonna die"

We just ignore him and keep walking. Once outside the institute he shows us the way to his car. But first I pull Alec away from them slightly by grabbing his wrist. He turns around and looks at me.

"Look Alec I'm sorry okay. I know your upset but you know I wouldn't be doing this unless I thought it was right. You know I never break the rules or laws unless I think it's the right thing. This is one of those times"

"You made your decision, I thought that you out of all people would agree with me and understand" He says and walks off getting in the van.

I walk behind him getting in. The only seat left is next to him. This is going to be a awkward ride. Clary tells Simon where to go and then we take off.

We pulled up to the place. It turns out that it was the club we were at to find out why demons were selling mundane blood. We started walking towards where Clary says Dot is. Clary all of a sudden stops walking and grabs her necklace.

"Dot. Dot!" She says and takes off running and we start running after her.

"Clary, Clary stop where are we going" Jace says catching up to Clary

"Two men, circle members the same ones who came to my house, who took my mom. They took Dot. They are gonna hurt her or kill her we have to stop them" She says and takes off again.

We follow her and go inside the club. There's no one here but we look all around. We pull out our seraph blades just in case we need them.

"No she's just trying to help me" Clary turns around looking at us "now she's gone"

"Clary I'm sorry" Simon says putting a hand on her shoulder

"You don't understand Dot is like my big sister"

"It's not safe here we have to go back to the institute right now" Alec says

"So what now, Valentine has my mom and Dot now. We are just gonna give up what about my memories they just can't be gone."

"There is another option" Jace says and Alec turns and looks at him. I know Alec is about to say something to him.

"Absolutely not" Alec says

"I'm not afraid of the silent brothers" Jace says

"Who's the silent brothers" Clary asks

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