Chapter Eighteen

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Kayla's Pov
After they had taken me and Izzy away they had lead us to a room and kept us there. My guess is they are gonna kept us away until the trail.

Izzy sits on one of the couches while I sit on the other one across from her. There was silence for so long until Izzy finally spoke.

"Thank you" she looking up from the ground looking at me

"For what?" I ask

"For doing this for me. I know it wasn't easy for you to go against Alec. And a whole lot of shadow hunters wouldn't do this for a downworlder. Now you are going to be striped of your runes and banished because of me" she says with guilt in her eyes.

"Izzy your my parabatai I would do anything for you. Plus I thought it was wrong of the Clave and I'm going to stand up for what I think is right. Don't you dare feel guilty. I knew what I was getting into and I'm prepared for the consequences." I tell her

"Thank you for not hating me" she says

"Izzy I could never hate you" I say and I stand up from the couch I'm on.

I walk over to the one Izzy is sitting on and sit down next to her and I pulled her into a tight hug. We stay like that for a few minutes and then pull away.

"What about you and Alec? What about the marriage?" Izzy asks

"Honestly I don't know but no matter what we are going to get through this together" I reassure her.

"I wish they would just get us out of this room" Izzy says getting up and she stands in the middle of the room facing a wall.

"Me too Izzy it's definitely unpleasant just sitting here" I say

Just after I finish my sentence the door to the room opens revealing Raj and Alec. I get up and stand next to Izzy causing her to turn around.

"Keep it short" Raj says and then closes the door and Alec walks over to us.

"Jace stole the Cup." Alec simply states and we just look away with guilt.

"did you two know about this?" Alec asks and we still didn't answer

"My God, did you help him? The Cup is the only thing that can get you two out of this." Alec says

"Jace is doing what he thinks is right" Izzy says

"What's right? He put the whole Shadow World in danger. He put you guys in danger. We have to get him back here. With the Cup. It's the only thing that can help you."  He says

"They've taken Meliorn back to the Seelie realm. You can't track him there." I say

"Not by any of the normal ways." He says walking away

"No, absolutely not. You cannot track Jace through your parabatai bond." I say knowing what he was thinking

"It will weaken both of you. Or break the bond" Izzy says

"Jace already weakened it. How does he think I can trust him after what he did?" Alec says

"Don't say that. Please, Alec." I say

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