Chapter Five

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Kayla's Pov
I woke up in a hour in the same position we went to sleep in. I really wish I could've got more sleep before dealing with vampires, I only got 1 hour of rest. But since we have to do this at dawn I had no other choice. I looked up to see that Alec was already awake and looking at me.

"Have you been looking at me the whole time"

"Maybe" he says with a smirk.

"Creep" I say causing both of us to laugh.

I take Alec's hand removing it from me. I sit up sitting there in the bed. I turn my head and look at Alec. He's laying there with his arms behind his head. I let out a sigh and put my head between my hands.

"What's wrong" Alec asks concerned and sits up. I remove my hands from my head and look up.

"Nothing it's just we have to help clary save Simon from vampires. We have have to find the cup before Valentine does and find her mother. I really wanna help her but this is honestly stressful. Our life's changed the minute Clary entered this world"

"Hey I know it's stressful but we can do it. Even though I don't like whats going on or happening. Remember we are doing this to protect people"

"I know it's just all really stressful"

"Hey your Kayla Wayland suck it up your tough, you can handle this"

"Thank you Alec, now come on let's get dressed."

I get out of bed going to the closet. I chose to put on a white summer type dress. I put on some black leggings on under it and top it of with a black leather jacket. I put on some black heel ankle booties.
While Alec chose to put on some black jeans and a grey t-shirt.

We both grab our steles and phones. We then head down to the main part of the institute over to one of the big screens and the table we were at last night.

When we got there Izzy and Jace was there but Clary wasn't. I sat down across from Izzy and Alec stood next to me. Jace left to go get Clary and when they can back we started discussing things.

"Okay they made the first move, we are gonna take care of this ourself" Jace says

"This is a bad idea" Alec says and I agree

"I agree, I know we promised to help find Simon but what if something goes wrong. Then we are going to be trapped and no one to help" I says

"You you guys have a better one" Jace says to me and Alec

"Look the Vamps broke the accords they kidnapped a mundane that's a big no no. The Clave will give us a lecture and be glad we did it, come on"

"It's hard to argue with that" Izzy says

"Even if we went ahead I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we are going. We need weapons we can't let anyone see us get them" Alec says

"I know where to get what we need" Jace says

We all leave the institute and get into the van. Jace drives us there. When we arrive it's a churchyard. Now I know what he was talking about. There's a grave with shadow hunter weapons in it. I'm assuming that's where we are getting our weapons we are going to use.

"Who's grave is it" Alec asks

"Mary Milligan, born January 10th, 1802. Died, January 10th, 1878" Izzy says

"Alright lets go" Jace says

"Wait what are we looking for" Clary asks

"A cache of  weapons" I say and we began explaining things to her as we walk through the churchyard.

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