Chapter Fifteen

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(A/n: so guys I'm finally back! I've been reading your guys comments and really taking them in. Thank you so much for all the votes and support for the book. Thank you for reading it. I'm certain that almost all of you will love this chapter. But you will have to read it to see. Sorry for not updating in like over a Month I promise I'll really try to get better at that.)

Kayla's Pov
Me and Alec just stand there shocked and amazed. How could they keep this from Izzy and Alec? Even keep it from me and Jace, they always treated us like family.

"Did they conceal that from you?" Lydia says and then turns to look at Luke. I turn to Alec and you can see the shock on his face.

"Yeah they never mentioned it to me or Isabelle" he says

We then say goodbye to Luke taking the body with us. When we get to the inside we take it down to the exam room.

"We need to make sure no magic was used to make this. I'm calling the nearest High Warlock to come in to consult." Lydia says

"Magnus Bane? To come here to the Institute?" I ask

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lydia asks

"No. Not at all. Magnus is quite magical. He's very good at magic." I say

"Do you know him well?" She asked

"Uh, just a little." I say and then look at Alec.

"I actually can't wait to meet him. Did you know that my great ancestor, Henry Branwell, who was the last of the Branwells to run an Institute, and Magnus Bane invented the Portal?" Lydia says with excitement.

"No. Just add that to the list of things I didn't know" Alec replies bitterly walking away and in the moment I feel a little sympathetic towards Lydia. We of course follow him

"Alec I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to find out your parents were ex-Circle members. Not like that." She says.

I hate that she has to be the one two comfort him. I should be the one. But I can't the only people who know about us our friends. Besides his parents have already arranged a marriage for him at least that's what Izzy says.

"You mean from you? You shouldn't have been the one I found out from." He says in a harsh tone

"Alec don't be so harsh she didn't know that you didn't know" I say to him

"You know there's been a ban about talking about the Circle till now" Lydia says

"Yeah, how convenient for my parents" Alec replies

"This doesn't change how I feel about the Lightwoods. Your family has always had a strong alliance with mine. They've been a powerful force in the Shadow World and praised for their devotion." Lydia says

Hearing Lydia say this made me realize something. It made me realize that they would want Alec to marry Lydia due to this. It would only make since because of the strong alliance.

"Devotion"? My parents were in league with Valentine." Alec says

"People make mistakes." I say to Alec

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