Chapter Eight

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Kayla's Pov
Us three had left before Jace and Clary. This was because we went to make sure the perimeters where clear. We were making sure there non of Valentine's men where here.

When we got there me and Izzy went one way together while Alec went the other by himself. After securing the perimeter we met back up with Alec. We told him where we checked was clear and he said the same thing.

We then walked to where the line was waiting to get in the club. We spotted Jace and Clary and headed over to them.

"All clear" Alec said going up behind them. Izzy went and stood by clary grabbing onto her arm. I stood next to her and Alec then moved behind me placing a hand on my hip.

"Do you think red's my color?" Izzy asked Clary

"Iz, with a body like yours everything's your color" Clary told her

"Good point. Damn, I make this necklace look so good" Izzy says

"Will you take it off? I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange" Alec says

"You know, I wouldn't be so sure. Most men like it when I admire their jewels."

"Can you just give it to Jace" Alec says not amused by his younger sister.

"Your such a buzz kill" Izzy then reaches behind her unhooking the necklace. She then passes it over to Jace

The line to get in the club finally moves up allowing us to go in.

"Blend in. Keep your weapons ready." Jace says and him and Clary go to find Magnus. We stayed behind them at a distance. Making sure not to be to close but not to far in case something happens.

They spotted him and then walked over to him. We follow them but keep our distance. We all stay close blending in so we can hear what they are talking about.

Me and Alec stand on some stairs not to far from them. While Izzy dances blending in slightly with the crowd but doesn't get to far in it. I can still hear what they are talking about.

"Magnus" Jace says and he looks up noticing the two. He then stands up.

"Clary Fairchild you've grown into a beautiful young women" he says to Clary

"Magnus Bane. So you're the one who stole my memories." She says

"At your mother's request. She knew the risk. Show me the jewelry, Shadowhunter." He says extending his hand out towards Jace.

Jace lets the dangle from his hand and Magnus goes to grab it. However Jace pulls it back before he can.

"Give Clary back her memories, and you get the jewelry"

"I have to confirm it's authenticity" Magnus says and he gives him the necklace

"Amor verus numquam moritur. True love cannot die. Oh, how I've missed this jewel" Magnus says looking at the necklace.

"Now, it's your turn to pay up." Clary says

"I wish I could retrieve your memories, but I no longer have them"

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