Chapter Sixteen

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Kayla's Pov
When we leave his parents office we go to meet with Izzy who is dealing with the forsaken attack. When we meet up with her she asks Alec if he's had his arm checked out yet.

I was so caught up in everything I didn't even think about it or ask him if he had. He replies with a no so that leads us to Robert checking his arm out.

Alec had taken his button down off and was left with a tank top on. Robert was looking at his arm doing something to try and help; probably trying to stitch it up since it was a pretty nasty cut. But Alec keep moving.

"Don't squirm" Robert tells his son

"I'm not. It doesn't even hurt." Alec says.

Alec's phone then started ringing and pulled it out of his pocket the screen showing it was Jace. He looked at it as if he was going to answer it but Izzy stopped him before he could.

"No talking just healing, Kayla come with me" she said and took his phone walking off.

I nodded and followed her. As soon as we got a good distance away we answered the call and put it on speaker so both off us could hear.but we continued walking.

"Alec, I need you" Jace said

"It's Izzy. Kayla is with me too, we need you. There's been an attack at the Institute." Izzy says

"An attack?" Jace questioned

"Valentine created a Forsaken that went through the wards." I explained

"That's not possible. Nothing can get through the wards. They're... They're warlock spells to defend against all Downworlders." Jace said

"Not this one. It had Seelie blood with angel properties. Jace, it went after Hodge and Alec." Izzy said explaining how this was possible.

"Are they okay? Is Alec... " he questioned assuming the worst

"They're banged up, but they'll live. Hodge killed it and Robert is looking and helping with Alec's arm right now" I say

"It was after the... " Izzy began

"The Cup" We hear Clary say. Jace must of had us on speaker too.

"Izzy, I'll be there as soon as I can." Jace said and then hung up. We then go back to where Alec and Robert is. Alec's arm had been treated and bandaged up.

The institute called in Magnus to try and help us. They were going to have him make the wards stronger. Robert, Alec, and I were going now to meet with him.

As soon as we did he got right to the job. He used to his magic to make the wards of the institute stronger.

"Are the wards solid now? Nothing will get through?" Robert asked. Magnus stops what he's doing and turns to him but the continues to move on to another spot.

"Even my magic has limits. The wards won't hold off that Forsaken attack. But my protections will slow them down." Says reassuring Robert.

"Extra time is priceless."  Robert says

"No... say that after you get my bill." Magnus says

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