>Chapter 1<

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"Don't worry Serena. You'll find someone. Right now, just stop crying." Dawn soothed me as she handed me a box of tissues.

"She's right!" May said cheerfully, wrapping her arm onto my shoulders.

"I second that!" Iris cartwheeled away to grab more chocolates.

"What's his name again? I'm going to make him feel sorry that he broke up with someone like you!" Misty angrily paced across the floor, hitting her small hammer onto her hands.

I looked at all of them, tears still streaming down. Dawn was giving me another box of tissues even though I had 3 open, unused boxes laying next to me. May was sneakily stealing some of my chocolates that Iris brought over, smiling.

Iris slipped on a cartwheel, chocolate flying into her big hair. And Misty was still pacing around, looking angry enough to murder someone.

It was too much. I burst out laughing, until I was out of breath. Everyone froze.

There was an awkward silence after my burst. Finally, Misty was the first to say something. "Want to bake?" I looked at her, eye-wide. I loved baking, and so did the rest of the girls, but Misty was the only one who didn't.

It was probably because she burned every batch of desserts we ever made.

"Nah, I want to do something all of us like doing." I replied. "Though I do have some macarons.." I paused, waiting for it.

May jumped up so fast, I was sure that she putted springs on her legs. "REALLY? WHERE?" All of the other girls jumped up like rockets the second May asked that.

They started chanting. "Where? Where? Where?"

"Cabinet 5, drawer 3," Everyone ran for it except for Misty.

"Will you be ok?" She asked quietly. I weakly laughed. "Yeah, I'll be fine," She nodded and rocketed off to where the rest of the girls were.

I tightly smiled as I picked myself up. Clemont only wanted to be happy, I just wasn't the one to give it. I sighed to myself. He told me that he was breaking up with me, so he could be with Korrina.

Korrina is beautiful, strong, and has a contagious smile. The opposite of me. Who wouldn't want to be with her? I wiped away my remaining tears as I remembered the other boys who broke my heart.

Calem cheated on me for Meitte. A competitive, sweet, and pretty girl.

Red moved away without telling me. When I finally saw him by accident, he was with a smiling girl, looking so happy and giving her small kisses.

I feel ashamed to say that I followed him, hiding in crowds. When it had grown dark, they stopped at a park.

They were laughing at something before the girl asked a question. "Have you ever got a girlfriend before me?" He paused before answering.

"Yeah, only one. She was kind, but almost cried at everything. Sad movies, roadkill, and you name it. It was getting annoying," My heart teared.

"You shouldn't say things like that Red."

"Well, she was pretty,"

"Oh... really?" She looked betrayed, almost like she was about to cry.

"But she wasn't beautiful like you," He smiled lovingly to her. My heart broke as she looked at him, with shining eyes. "You lump of cheesiness," She teased.

He bumped noses with her, still grinning that smile I had fallen in love with before. "But you know you love me."

"I know that," She pulled in for a light kiss, but Red wrapped his arms around her neck, making the kiss anything but light.

My heart shattered and tears rolled down quicker than I ever have had it, not even when I saw Calem making out with Meitte before.

I must have made a noise because Red broke off the kiss and stared at my hiding spot.

"Who's there? Show yourself." He called out protectively. I slowly rose up and stared him into the eyes. He gasped and pulled his girlfriend in closer.

"S-serena? I'll explain-" I cut him off.

"I understand already Red. She's your princess." He started to open his mouth before I sliced him off again. "Don't break my heart anymore than it already has." I turned to look at her, tilting my head.

"Take care of him, okay? I can already tell that he's your Prince Charming." Before anyone could reply, I turned my heel and walked away, tears taking a stroll down my cheeks once more.

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