>Chapter 11<

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After our delay with Miss Kinz, all of us rushed to our last class -History- with Mrs. Lagley. She's absolutely amazing. She's fun, and as long as you don't miss half of her class, she's all smiles.

Stepping through her classroom door, we stumbled in and rushed to the usual table that we sit together at. Mrs. Lagley turned to us and smiled.

"Lovely to have you girls here now," She nodded towards us and returned to her lesson. Before she could say another word, the door burst open again, and they tumbled into the classroom.

    Ash, Gary, Drew, and Kenny rushed to the table they usually sit at with Clemont. I think Korrina's last hour class is with the other History teacher, Mrs. V.

Mrs. Lagley glanced at them and smiled. "Wonderful to have you boys here now." She returned back to her lesson after their (and ours, I suppose) interruptions.

"As I was saying, this Egyptian project is due about a week after the school's December Showcase. Which -guessing- is in about three weeks from now. You have about a month to finish this project with your partner, so their should be no possible excuse to it not be finished. Thank you for listening to me, and head off to working with your partner."

I watched May and Lillie head off to the bean bag station that Mrs. Lagley let's us use a lot. Dawn and Mallow pushed their desks together. Misty and Iris was walking up to Mrs. Lagley, probably to ask her to work in the halls. Drew and Kenny were already sitting across from each other. Gary was paired up with a girl I don't know very well. And Ash was walking over to me.

   Wait, what?

   "Hey Serena! What ancient artifact or famous place in Egypt should we do for our project?" Ash cheerfully asked, sliding into the seat across from me. I shrugged, still a bit zoned-out.

   "Well, I think we should do the King Tut case, resting place, or whatever it's called. What do you think?" He looked at me patiently, waiting for my answer.

   "The correct term is actually, King Tut's tomb," I corrected with half-mind. "And, yes, that sounds great to me."

   "K! Let's get started then!" Ash reached into his bag. "Whoops! Wrong one, that's my math notebook," He softly said, probably to himself but I heard it. That striked me back into reality.

   "Hey, Ash? Who's your crush?" I whisper, just in case somebody overheard on accident. He flushed into a shade of brilliant pink and kept his head down when he pulled out the right notebook.

"Do you have to know?" Ash asked softly, still colored in the pink. I thought about his answer.

"Well, can you describe her for me? I want to help you," I really did want us to be friends again. All the jokes, caring, and fun. I missed it, and now... this could be the perfect time to remake our friendship again. He was nodding, apparently thinking about my answer.

"Well, okay," He responded, unsure. "My, what was it called? Oh yeah, crush. Well, my crush. She's beautiful. Her hair. Her sparkling blue eyes. Her smile. She's just feels like... my everything. Yeah, that's the word. My everything." His eyes were dreamy, probably thinking of her.

I felt a stab of something unfamiliar. Was it anger? Hurt? Sorrow? I felt it stab again as I listened to Ash describe his crush. "She walks like she's confident. When I hear her laugh, it's like the ocean is singing to me."

Jealousy. I put a name to the stabs at my heart... I was jealous. Jealous that the girl that he was describing had a secret admirer that cared and secretly loved her so much. I guess... I wish I had someone that cared about me as much as Ash cared about his crush.

"I wish I just had the confidence to tell her all of this," Ash ended his description of her. I nodded carefully, smiling. He must really love her.

"That's really descriptive. It's really obvious that you love her. So, when did you start?" I pulled out one of my notebooks and flipped to the back of it. Writing everything down of what he said about her, Ash was thinking about my question.

•Gorgeous hair
•Blue eyes
•Lovely smile
•Nice laugh...

I scribbled down her descriptions, waiting for his answer.

"I guess... when I was in third year. She was new. Arceus, the day I became friends with Gary, it was undoubted that I had a crush on her." My pencil froze and I as well.

Ash noticed and started to ask. "Serena? Are you okay?" When I didn't respond, he started to get anxious or nearly like that. "Did I say something that offended you? We can work on our project." I just stood up and pushed in my chair.

"Sorry Ash. I just, need to think." I walked towards Mrs. Lagley and asked for a bathroom hall pass. "Sure, Serena. You may go." I sped to the door, grabbing a hall pass on the way.

"Hey, Serena. Are you okay?" Misty asked, clearly worried. Her ocean blue eyes were trying to find what made me upset.

"Just fine, Mist. I'm just fine," I insisted, speeding to the door. Before she could say anything else, I was already out the door and on my way to the girls bathroom.

Swooshing into the entrance, stepping into an open stall, locking the door, and sitting at the edge of the toilet. Staring at the dark, spotted walls of my stall, there was only one thought in mind.

I guess my former best friend forgot me. Much like every guy that broke my heart.

1040 words

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