>Chapter 10<

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"Listen up kiddos! You have 3 minutes to find your partner and make a new dance routine! Is that clear?" Mr. Steno yelled above the noisy gym. Without waiting for an answer, he started his timer. "Starting now kiddos! Get going!"

Everyone scrambled around like death was at their heels. Meitte elbowed me from my right side. We were sitting from the bleachers, watching everyone pair up with their chosen partners. She was grinning at me, while gesturing to May and Drew.

May was glaring at Drew at full intensity, clearly trying to burn him with her sapphire eyes. Even under May's full-on glare, Drew took it all in a swing and continued to smoothly walk to her in a calm manner.

With a sweep of his green hair, he handed a single red rose. Even though her eyes were still burning, May took it gently and picked at the soft petals. Drew looked pleased while Miette started squealing nearby me. No doubt Dawn would be mirroring the squealing too if she wasn't busy discussing with Kenny about their dance routine from across the room.

"They. Are. Perfect." Miette announced, still smiling. "But why can't May just accept it?!"

   "Mmm... possibly because May can't seem to accept the idea of love?" I murmured to her, trying to stifle my yawn.

"Maybe you're right..." Miette tucked a strand of her short blue hair behind her ear. She cleared her throat opened her mouth. "ARCEUS MAY! ACCEPT THE IDEA OF LOVE ALREADY!?" Her voice echoed above the noisy room, only nearby dancers heard and turned towards her, eyes staring.

May and Drew stopped mid-dance and turned to look at her. May's expression was mainly confusion, with a hint of embarrassment. Drew's face was looking very amused, nearly to the edge of laughing.

"Hallelujah sister!" Dawn hollered back to Miette, even though she was across the room. Must be a fangirl instinct or something. "Contestshipping shall drive through the dark times, and into the the sunlight, where they'll happily and forever generations!"

"Amen!" Miette placed her hands together. I was shaking my head, laughing bits of amusement while May was blushing into a shade that was nearly to her bandanna's color.

"Guys! Stop it! You know perfectly well that I-"

    "That's enough already girls." I cut into May's sentence. "Let Dawn and May continue their choreography planning with their, partners." Elbowing Miette, she made water motions with her hand.

   If it was possible, May flushed into a darker red and turned to the green-headed boy. Dawn blushed too, a very obvious feature against her pale skin.

   She turned back to Kenny, who was chatting with another boy nearby. The boy that was talking to Kenny, his partner was leaning against the wall. She was moving her multi-colored dyed hair away from her face, as she texted furiously on her iPhone 7.

Traditional bad girl and an I-just-don't-care attitude. You'll find them in any high school.

   "Earth to Serena," A voice entered into my thoughts.

   "Mm? Yes Miette?" I ask, half into my thoughts.

   "It's May, Sere," May corrected, a smile in her voice. I turned to her.

   "Hi May. Where did Miette go off to?" May turned pink and squirmed in the seat next to me. "Miette just left to... erm... um... drink water?" In our group, some of us are terrible liars (me, the worst at it), and some us can lie as easy as for the sun to set and rise.

    I noticed that May was trying hard to mention Calem's name.

    "Hey, girls! Gym's over! Whatcha doing up there?" I looked down from the bleachers and saw Dawn. Her hands were on her hips and she was grinning.

    "Coming!" May called back, and hurried to climb back down to the ground. I followed after her. As soon as my black high tops hit the ground, May and Dawn were yanking me to the other gym of the school.

   "Come on, Serena!" Dawn scolded me, playfully. "We've gotta meet Misty and Iris in the other gym!"

   "'Gotta' isn't a real word," I reply automatically. May smiled as Dawn sighed.

    "But every word isn't a real word until someone decides it is," May sang what Dawn would usually say when I corrected her.

    "Precisely what I was, gonna say," Dawn replied back at May, teasing me.

    "I give up," I sighed, smiling at them.

    "Never give up! Nah, nah, nah!" Dawn sang, twirling around.

    "I won't give up! Nah, nah, nah!" May sang the next lyrics.

    "Let me love you! Let me love you!" Dawn and May sang together, very loudly. I clapped, laughing at my fearless friends with no care whether they sound bad or not.

   "Justin Bieber, right?" Misty walked in with a very angry Iris. "You like him?"

   "Nah, we just like his songs. Him personally... eh. Not our most favorited person, and not our worst either," May shrugged. Iris breathed out in relief.

   "Thank Arceus! 'Cause if you did like him..." Relieved Iris turned back into Angry Iris. "I'd be forced to listen about him every. Single. Day. And that would make me so. Mad, that I would feel like kicking this wall... like this!" She jumped up and aimed her legs towards the wall behind her.

    Whooshing into the air, she was almost to her destination, just before a familiar strict voice rang into the hushed atmosphere. "Miss Ariusu, what do you think that you are doing?"

906 words

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