>Chapter 5<

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    I drag my feet to head home after school. Iris has an after school event, as well as Dawn and May. Misty lives in the city, so she has to take the bus. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and everything seems so peaceful. Why do I feel so horrible then?

   I trudged up the steps that led to my front door. I sighed as I twisted my key in its lock.

"Hi? I'm home!" I called out to the empty house. The wind howls back at my call. Mom was probably at the stables, teaching kids to ride horses. I stepped my way up towards my bedroom to work on the torturous work teachers sent to their students to work on.

Thankfully, they're usually pretty easy. I walked across my open-doored bedroom and flicked on the light switch. As the light overhead poured in, I spread my school work across my organized desk.

When I turned around to grab a pencil from my desk, something colorful caught my eye. I traced my eyes back to the object, and there it laid on my nightstand. I froze, staring at the picture, pressed between 2 sheets of glass. Colorful, bright, and we both looked so happy.

I reached out my arm as I crossed my room, tracing the edges of the picture frame. I thought he was the one. The one person you would have wanted by your side for the rest of your life. Before, I was innocent, not knowing what the future held. Now, I'm just some crying mess.

   I brush away the tears that crawled down my cheeks without me noticing. I glanced at the photo one more time.

   How naive was I? My face crumpled as I stored the photo away in The Box

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   How naive was I? My face crumpled as I stored the photo away in The Box. The Box was a holder of all of the photos, gifts, or small objects of my heartbreaks. Small reminders of how I'll never be loved.

   I stash the photo quickly with my eyed squeezed shut, and pushed The Box way back into the long shadows of my closet, filled with pink and red outfits I bought or made myself.

   As I quickly jumped up to my feet, my fingers caught onto something. A large, red sticker hung from my pinkie. Tearing my eyes from it, I ripped it off and threw it in my trash bin. After that, I clutched my hand and tried to stop my pounding heart.

My tears should have ran out by now, but they teared up from the sticker. The sticker was a joke from Red. Just like our former love. Goosebumps rose from my arms, but it wasn't from the cold.

&@&@& Flashback &@&@&

"It's April Fool's Day Serena!" Red grinned excitedly.

"I noticed Red. So, what's the prank this time?" I laughed. Our relationship has been going steady for a couple a months, and sometimes, Red would declare it'd be "April Fool's Day" and prank me in some sort of way.

The first prank was replacing ALL of my pens with the invisible ink ones. I spent a good two hours trying to figure out what was wrong with my pens.

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