>Chapter 20<

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4 months later...

"Are they here yet?"

   "It's almost sunset!"

   "For the last time, we do not need a mistletoe, Kenny!"

   "Finally this cursed ship is going to sail."

   "Where's the popcorn?"

   I nervously keep an eye out for them, covered in clothes of black and green to match the forest background just like everyone else.

   'Them' meaning Ash and Misty.

   Nervousness and excitement curl up in my stomach, with a bit of sadness but I dismiss that quickly.

   "Serena! Are they here yet?" Gary asked me, looking rather stressful. I shook my head and looked again for them.

We're sort of... spying on Misty's and Ash's date. Or as everyone else so complicatedly put it, 'watching from afar and minding our business by being blent in with the background'.

Why are we spying on this one specific date? Because my lovely sorta crush told his friends that hewasplanningtokissMisty.

Yes, I admit that I'm being secretly sad about it, but I am honestly genuinely happy for Misty.

A laugh cuts the air, and I know that one sound of happiness from anywhere. I squinted slightly to see Misty and Ash coming from afar.

I turned frantically, nearly tripping over my own two feet.

"Guys--" I was cut off by Drew.

"You know, it'd be nicer if there were roses nearby."

"Guys--" I tried again.

"Drew! Enough with the roses!" May cut me off and reprimanded him.


"What is taking them so long to get here?" Iris complained, itching in impatience.

"Um, guys?"

"Yeah, I know! The sunset is so near, they're going to miss it!" May looked at the pink and orange streaked sky in worry.


"Did Ashy-boy lie to us to get us off his scent?" Gary questioned to Kenny (who was messing around with the mistletoe in his hand. How he got one in the spring, I'll never know).

"GUYS!" I bursted out, before covering my mouth, surprised that I screamed at them. They were equally surprised too, when they looked at me. Finally getting their attention, I uncovered my mouth and spoke. "They're coming."

Everyone suddenly was alert.

"Positions now, guys," Gary ordered in a low voice and we all obeyed, all of us disappearing in the shadows of the forest.

   I crouched down in a shadow of a rather large tree and pulled out a secretly stashed small box of chocolates, in case I felt like crying.

   Iris was looking right at home, sitting on a thick branch in a tall tree and swinging her feet, spying out to them with her binoculars.

   Dawn and Kenny were the nearest to Ash and Misty right now. They were going to drive away other people that would try to come up here.

   Gary was the nearest to the cliff, with his camera ready to take the picture.

   Drew and May... I bet on my wardrobe that they're most likely going to share popcorn the whole time. The place is undetermined.

   "Sure that there's no bugs here?" Misty's voice whipped my thoughts back into place.

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