>Chapter 7<

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"Oh. My. Arceus," I whispered to myself. Clutching the notebook tightly, I paled.

"Hey, Serena. Are you okay?" Iris asked, observing my noticeable, sudden paleness. May glanced at me, worried.

"Uh, yeah. I- er-" I bit my lip to make a lie. I didn't want the girls to know the love poem and Ash's secret crush. After all, we're practically sisters and tell everything to each other.

So if I tell them now, they'll tell Misty later. Her poor heart would be broken. She might act tough, be angry, and uses violence as a first choice, she's really just like any girl.

Scared that she'll be betrayed, lied to, and left alone.

She's my best friend. And seeing her broken-hearted every time she so much looks at Ash, it'll hurt all of us. But me the most.

"Just... found out this really hard problem that we have to do in our math homework," I awkwardly made a lame lie and excuse. May patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Serena! There's no one I know that is better at math or fashion like you!" Iris cheered. I awkwardly smiled and tried to subtly tuck Ash's notebook in my bag.

"Hey, what's that you got there, Sere?" May asked, taking the notebook carefully. I grabbed back in a flash.

"Oh, just my math notebook," I tried to make it seem causal, tucking it into my bag.

"It seems more than just that Sere," Iris suspiciously observed. She smiled mischievously, her brown-and-amber eyes flashing with mischief. "Is it... something special?" She teased.

May joined in, probably payback for teasing her yesterday morning.

"Come on, Serena! Tell us!" She bounced in her seat. I bit the side of my cheek, trying to come up with something.

"Good morning, class. Take out your Language Arts Journals and please answer this question in full sentences," Mrs. Argentina, our Language Arts teacher stepped from the classroom door and across the floor. She adjusted her glasses along the way. "Are all mornings, truly good? If not, why is the greeting, good morning?"

Sighing in relief, I couldn't help, but think, Her timing couldn't have been more perfect. I pulled out my journal, just like Iris and May. Just as I pulled out my favorite pink pencil, May whispered across the table. "We're still onto you about that," Her sapphire eyes twinkled.

"Yeah!" Iris whisper-yelled, her big, dark violet hair coming loose and flying. I sighed as I continued to answer the question, smoothly writing in journal.

As May and Iris scribble away in their notebooks, I thought of how lucky they were, not to decide weather to tell and cause hurt, or keep quiet and keep safe.

   Gripping my pencil tightly, I broke into cold sweat. I never lied or hid anything from the girls before.

   But I would do it if it meant protecting them.

@&@&@ ~Time Skip~ @&@&@

   "Arceus, finally, we're out of Spanish," Dawn stretched as we walked out of the door together. I nodded with her absentmindedly. I had managed to lose May and Iris in the crowded hallways when Language Arts was over.

   "Mmm... uh-huh," I mumbled without listening at what she said next. Clemont wasn't here today, and that's a huge relief. I sit behind him, according to the sticks we've drawn out of the cup on the first day.

   I wish we could change spots, but Senõra Cretzmeyer is strict about switching seats. Incredibly strict.

   "Hey Serena! Hiya Dawn!" A voice called out to us. When I turned to my side, it belonged to a brown-haired, smiling girl, waving.

   "Hey Shauna!" I called back to her just as Dawn yelled out her 'hello'.

  "Hiya Shauna! Are you going to dance in the December Showcase?"

   "Don't I always?" Shauna replied, bursting into another brilliant smile. Every year, there was a dancing showcase, celebrated in December. Shauna always dances in each one, every year.

   Last year, she almost won the title of Kalos Queen. But as always, Aria had won. She's in the upper grades, but she's always nice to everyone.

   It's lots of fun to watch, but I've always been too shy to actually dance in the showcase, myself.

   "Are you girls going to dance in the showcase this year?" Shauna asked, still smiling.

   "Yeah! Both of us are, and I'm sure I'll be able to convince the other girls to do the same!" Dawn squealed cheerfully. I stopped walking, suddenly paling.

"What?" I shrieked in surprise. "I'm doing it too?" Dawn looked at me, confusion clouding her dark blue eyes; but still smiling.

   "Don't you remember? I asked you earlier, "Are you going to dance in this years showcase". If I recall, you nodded in response." She reminded me, twirling her beautiful blue hair. I stared at her, getting more pale by the second.

   "There's no way I'm doing it. No way, no how," I firmly said, trying to end the conversation.

   "Then, I'll try to help overcome your fear if stage fright!" Dawn striked a pose, like a superhero --- kind of.

   "Thanks, but no thanks Dawn." I tried to soften the blow, but she slid to the floor sulking anyway.

   After a while, Shauna apparently had enough of her sulking moment, because she pulled Dawn right up. Fast, too fast that she lost her balance. Shauna just pulled her right up again. Arceus, Shauna is a bit smaller than the girls and I, but she is strong. She was smiling, her brown eyes reminding me of Ash's brown eyes. Or chocolate melting eyes as Misty would describe.

"Did you guys know that this year, instead of an individual dance like every year, we're supposed to be paired up with boys?"

"Really?" Dawn squealed again, her romance addicted side showing.

"Oh, Arceus, no," I groaned to myself.

"Apparently, there has been fights between both the boys and girls," Shauna kept going on. Now that I think about it, wars between the two genders have been breaking out almost every week.

   Last week, a really shy girl named Lillie was insulted by some remark Gary had made. Mallow, an enthusiastic girl and Lillie's best friend, heard and started fighting back. Basically, a verbal fight broke out between boys and girls.

   Luckily, Lillie managed to break it up because she didn't want people fighting because of her.

   "So, the teachers think that boys and girls performing a dance routine together during the showcase, would help make peace on both sides," Shauna's energetic voice cut through my thoughts.

   "So who are you dancing with?" I asked, walking into the noisy cafeteria with Dawn and her.

  "Probably Tierno and Trevor," She bounced up. "Speaking of which, there they are! See you around guys!" She waved as she ran to a lunch table with her two friends.

   "Hey! There's the girls!" Dawn gestured to a lunch table with an obvious red-haired, tall girl; a restless big, violet haired girl, and a bright red bandana on a ferociously eating brunette.

   "Hey Serena! Hey Dawn!" Misty was the first to see us.

   "Hiya girls!" Dawn bounced in her seat. May looked up from her food as Iris already had her mischievous smile plastered on.

   "Soooo..." Iris dragged out the word. "About that notebook." I closed my sky blue eyes and sighed. Oh Arceus, of course I would be tolerating a stubborn Iris until I show her something.

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