>Chapter 16<

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It wasn't my fault.

I can't help at what I think and how I feel.

And I feel like a traitor to Misty, on top of all that.

Misty, the girl who was beside me when no one else was, became my best friend.

I can't believe that my heart can be a traitor to someone I care about and feel like this after so much damage.

   Hitting my head against one of my pillows in my bed, I run my thoughts through that moment again.

   It was the last class of the day, History. Ash and I were finishing up our research on King Tut's tomb and starting our presentation part.

   "Okay, do you want to write it out?" Ash asked me.

   "Sure," I smiled at him and took our research papers and started writing. Finishing with the first paragraph, I moved my hand for the pair scissors nearby to cut out some of the empty bottom page.

   At the same time, Ash was moving for the scissors too to cut out the letters for the title.

   Our hands brushed and my heart quickened.

   Almost fluttered.

   A familiar feeling that I haven't felt in some time.


   "Sorry, Serena. You can use the scissors," He moved them to me, smiling.

   I took them quickly, looking down to cut off the empty white paper in my written paragraph.

   "Hey, why is your face red? Are you having a fever?" Ash asked me after a moment.


   "I-I'm fine, A-Ash," I stuttered, not looking up to him.

   I picked up my pencil to write another paragraph.

   Fluttering heart. Red face. No eye-contact.

   Symptoms of something that Misty told me that tried to assure me that'll happen again, and onto the wrong person.

   It's a sacred rule in friendship.

   'Thee shall not crush on thy friend's crush.'

   There, I said it.

   I believe that I'm slightly falling for Ash Ketchum.

   Also know as, my best friend's crush.

   I'm a traitor, and I don't like the feeling.


   Please don't hate me and thank you. Also, sorry for the short chapter =(
Plus, I came back from a car trip! What do you think of the photos I took?

 Also, sorry for the short chapter =(Plus, I came back from a car trip! What do you think of the photos I took?

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(Niagara Falls in Canada. The bird came in on accident.)

(Some Chicago buildings

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(Some Chicago buildings.)

382 words

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