>Chapter 12<

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I stayed in the bathroom stall for what it seemed like forever. Eventually, the bell rang and I unlocked my bathroom stall. Looking around carefully for no apparent reason, I walked quietly to the sinks and rinsed my hands.

Sneaking out of the restroom, I sprinted to my locker and quickly rolled the lock into it's numbers. Quickly hooking the strap of my pink pack, I adjusted my hat and rushed to the front entrance.

"Hiya, Serena!" A cheerful voice that mentally illuminated sunshine and smiles. Arceus. I quickly turned my heel and saw Korrina high on her skates. "How ya doing?" She waves at me, twirling in perfect eights.

"Err, fine. Just doing fine, Korrina. How are you?" I politely nodded, resisting the urge to turn the other way and run.

"Just swifty!" She laughed at her words, pressing the button on her shoes to deactivate her wheels. "Anyway, did you know that your friends are looking for you?" I instantly froze, processing what Korrina had just said.

"You always seem to run away, Sere," Korrina observed, oblivious to my frozen position. "Why is that?"

"Perhaps because it's easier to walk away than it is to face it again," I answered cooly, trying not to clench my hands.

Instantly, I felt ashamed at myself for being mad at her. Maybe Korrina is just curious. Maybe she's just wants to help for some odd reason.

"What's 'it'?" Korrina questioned again. Most likely the curious choice.

"There you are, Serena!" A voice exclaimed from behind me. Normally, I would think, saved by the voice. But the words belonged to one of the people I wanted to least see now.

"Why do you always run away, Serena?" She stepped forward, giving me full contact with her cerulean blue eyes. "Why?"

I turned away from her and stepped once to a the front doors. "You know the answer to that already, Misty."

Misty sighed. "Yes, but... you eventually have to face down the demon in your fears, Sere. Everyone has to."

"I know, but I'm trying to sideline it for a while. Is that wrong?" I ask, taking another step forward. "I want to love someone that will love me back as much as you love A--"

"Not here, Serena!" Misty cut in like a knife through wood. I consciously looked back and saw Ash and the other girls running towards us. The halls are starting to fill up more now. Some are even watching us.

Iris and Ash were making through the crowd just fine with little troubles, but Dawn and May were trying not to knock over anyone, which took them longer.

Panicking, I took off running to the front doors.

"Wait, Serena!" Ash's voice rang above the usual loud sounds of the hallways. I was tempted to wait, but what would I tell them?
My former best friend forgot me?

That sounded pathetic, even in my own head.

Still running, I skidded to a stop in front of a an old ice cream place that no one really knows about. This place would be perfect for first dates. I stepped in breathless and looked at a the person working at the counter.

Staring at her fizzy blond hair underneath her blue headphones, I slid into the pocket of my backpack and slipped out $5. Finally noticing me, she turned off her DS, took off her headphones and smiled perkily at me.

"Hello! Welcome to Ice Cream Creamery! What may your order be today?"

"Strawberry with chocolate ships please," I replied, handing her my $5. Nodding, she took it and scooped out my ice cream. Sprinkling it my requested chocolate chips, she smiled perkily again.

"Please enjoy your ice cream and come back soon!" She cheerfully said in her high-pitched voice. Handing me my change, she picked up her headphones and slid them on.

Sighing, I sat myself down at a table and tried to enjoy my ice cream. A song came on through the speakers of the place. Just like this ice cream place, the songs were old too.

"Wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend. You could, cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in..." Oh. Jumper from Third Eye Blind. I remembered. (Song above.)

I suddenly get attacked by a memory: Dancing, a radio blasting old music like this, and a father? I shook my head, thinking I was losing my thinking. I never had a father.

One that I knew've anyway.

"...Everyone has got to face down the demons. Maybe today, you could put the past away! Wish you would step back from that ledge my friend..." The song went on.

That reminded me of Misty's and I's conversation.

Misty sighed. "Yes, but... you eventually have to face down the demon in your fears, Sere. Everyone has to."

   I realize something. She's right, just like most best friends are.

Finishing my ice cream, I stand up and exit away. Striding purposely to nowhere in particular, I walked with new confidence and a vow.

I will never run away again.

I am very, sincerely sorry for not updating in... wow, 2 weeks or so? Very sorry. No, this is not the end of the chapter... yet.

(Misty's POV below. Surprise!)

I looked at the front doors that my best friend had fled through. Through a wave of students and shouting laughter, I can still see the memory of Serena flying through them.
Towards the outside world and away from me. Seeing out of the corner of my left eye, I could see Iris explaining things to Dawn snd May.
"It's okay, Misty. She'll be okay. All she needs is some time and space." A hand was placed on my right shoulder. Looking up, I see Ash's sincere brown eyes.
Gazing sadly into the "windows of his soul" (I forgot which poem that came from. Serena would've known and told me too... if she was here...), I break away after several moments to look back at the doors.
"I hope you're right, Ash. I really hope so."

(Next chapter is back to Serena's POV. Maybe I should make a chapter with Misty's POV again in it. Or Ash's. Or May, Dawn, or Iris. Kk, I have some planning to do.)

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