>Chapter 17<

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"How are your dance performances going?" I asked my friends at lunch.

"Really well!" Dawn cheerfully answered.

"It's going okay, I have to admit that Drew knows his stuff," May grudgingly said.

"Pretty good. Ash and I keep fighting, but it makes me, kinda feel, stronger. You know?" Misty smiled at that thought.

"I signed up to help decorate with the dance so I don't have to deal with dancing and stuff," Iris replied.

"Kinda like me?"


"Iris has, a defensive wall to insult boys because one broke her heart once." I remember that Misty told me long ago.

Misty caught my eye and shook her head slightly, like she was telling me not to ask her about it.

I bit my lip, trying to debate.

Should I ask Iris about that? Or should I listen to Misty and not ask her about it? After all, I'm already being a traitor to her.

I clenched my jaw and the thought of my (slight) crush on Ash.

Out of all the boys, I just had to fall for my best friend crush.

I really am a terrible friend.

"Kanto to Serena? Hello?" Dawn was trying to catch my attention.

"Huh? What?" I snap out of my daze.

"What are you wearing to the showcase?" She cheerfully asked me.

I shrugged. I mean, I don't even have anyone to dance with, so should I care what I wear?

She leaned in close to me, like she had a secret. "Help me take Misty and Iris shopping for the showcase!"

I perked up. Shopping... it's always kind of been like a calming treatment for me. The clothes, fashion, and fun!

Misty has never been quite interested in it, so I always did it alone, until I became friends with May and Dawn!

"Sure!" I smiled at Dawn and she nodded.
"After school today, okay?" She smiled back at me and I gave her the okay sign.

I glanced at Misty and Iris who were talking with Dawn, oblivious of what will happen after school today.

&@ Time Skip (After School) @&

"Come on, Misty. Please? It'll be fun!" I begged Misty. When she kept her eyes closed and didn't look at me, I pulled a last card. "Don't you want to look nice for Ash?"

  My heart slightly tightened, probably from my words. Curse you crush.

   My words seem to effect Misty. She opened her eyes and slowly looked st me. Sighing, she said, "You really know how to get to me, Serena."

   I smiled, scoring a win.

   My fingers are just crossed that May and Dawn will get to Iris...

@&@& Time Skip @&@&

   "Let's stop at this one!" Dawn skipped in front of a new clothing store that just opened. Dresses Of Your Dreams was written in dainty cursive.

   "Yeah!" I stood by Dawn. "I've been meaning to check out this place for a while."

   Dawn looked behind us. "Come on you guys! I promise that this'll be the last store!"

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