>Chapter 18<

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   Weeks pass by quickly.

   Student Council meetings go by in a flash.

   Ash and I finish our project presented it days ago.

   I continuously help him with his song (the thought of Misty of being his crush is still there...)

   And my feelings are starting to grow stronger every passing day... and that terrifies me.

Ash has his crush, and I have mine.

And I'm slightly hoping that it's me.

But what about Misty?

All these thoughts rapidly swirls in my head every moment.

And it makes me feel sick.

"Serena!" I jump out of thoughts again. It was Miette. I looked around and saw the rest of the student council decorating the gymnasium.

I looked down and saw I was holding streamers.

"The showcase is in two days, Serena! No time to daydream!" Miette waved her arms around frantically.

She's been stressing out a lot.

"Calm down, Miette. We've still got time, and we have people who are willing to help. Calm. Down," I tried my best to keep her breathing air. "Take a deep breath."

She shakily breathed in some air.

"And let it all out."

She exhaled. Miette seemed calmer now.

"Thanks, Serena, now go hang up those streamers!" Miette shooed me off with her hands. I scurried away, after all, I don't want any more stress on her shoulders.

   I join Iris and two others into decorating the ceiling with streamers. While one of the two others is sensibly using a ladder, Iris is climbing the walls of the gymnasium and hanging them onto the ceiling.

   "You're going to fall one day," I tell Iris when she comes back to the ground. She smiles and grabs more streamers. "And that'll be the day when May and Drew stop arguing."

   I sighed as she climbed back up the wall.

@&@&@& ~TS~ @&@&@&

I walk home alone, which gave me to me to think, which I did want to do.

What was weird was that none of the girls were here at school today. Other than Iris that showed up for the after school showcase decorating, I haven't seen any of them all day.

   Plus, when I asked Iris if we could walk home together, she seemed to dodge my question and run away. I admit that that kinda hurt a bit.

   Sighing as I walk up my front porch, I whip out my key and unlock the front door. Stepping in, I said quietly to myself, "Hey mom, I'm home. Not that you're ever here to hear me."

   Flipping on a light switch nearby me, my eyes meet with a colorful banner that's strung high in the air.

   "What?" I couldn't help but gawk at it's words. "Happy. Birthday... Serena?"

    "Surprise!" Then out of nowhere, everyone popped out and scared the Arceus out of me. "Happy Birthday, Serena!" All of them shouted.

   Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, Lillie, Mallow, Ash (*wince*), Gary, Drew, Kenny, and Miette too. And mom was here too.

"It's my birthday?" My jaw dropped. And so did everyone else's.

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