>Chapter 2<

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Raaaannnnnng!!!! The bell echoed through the school. Iris sighed. "Ahhhhh!!!! Why do we have school?"

"To educate us and help us to a better future." I informed her once again.

"But not all of us want to go to classes. Right everyone?" Iris asked. May nodded, ferociously with energy.

"Yeah! My homeroom class is with Drew! What a way to start the day!" She groaned.

"Don't be gloomy! I ship it!" Dawn teased her.

"Don't get started on it Dawn." May grumbled. I twirled a lock of my honey-blond hair. "Well, I ship it too May." I said with a teasing smile. She threw her arms in the air. "Not you too Serena!"

Dawn tapped her nose. "Well, you guys are just adorable!" May frowned. "Not possible at all." She clearly hates this conversation right now.

Before Dawn could say anything back, Iris and Misty popped in. "So, watcha guys talking about?" Misty asked. Dawn grinned excitedly. "How adorable Drew and May are!"

Both Misty and Iris backed out. "Then don't let me in this conversation!" Iris said, with a grin.

"Oh, thank Arceus!" May exclaimed, hugging them.

"How are you looking forward to your class Dawn?" Misty smirked teasingly.

"Well, Kenny is funny. That makes up for the boring History class after spare," Dawn blushed and changed the subject before anyone could say anything. "What about you Misty?" Dawn grinned mischievously. Misty blushed a brighter red than her hair.

   "Well, Ash is in my second class, after spare..." She kicked at the ground.

   "I ship it!" May and Dawn screamed together. Everyone started teasing her about Ash. My thoughts drifted off as I thought about when we were young. He was my childhood friend before we drifted apart in Elementary School.

   We met at a Summer Camp, hosted by Professor Oak. And speaking of professors...

   "Oh my Arceus! Girls! We're late!" I shrieked, looking at my watch. Iris glanced at a nearby clock. "Arceus! You're right! I don't want to go to class, but I don't want to be late!" She grabbed Dawn's and May's hands and dragged them off as I yanked Misty's arm.

   "Come on, come on, come on, come on!" I murmured under my breath as I flew down the halls with Misty to our class together.

382 words

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