>Chapter 19< (Part 1/2)

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A/N: This chapter is super long. Plus, TW: implied dark themes.

I'm standing in front of Lake Jake, hugging myself to stay warm from the icy winds that blew near.

   But the temperature won't matter if I just decide to step into the deep rapids now.

   Submerged in the cold water, sinking slowly, and nobody around to notice that I'll be gone until the next day.

   It would be a favor to everyone, the coward and crybaby gone in just one step.

   I never deserved any of my friends.

   They're all so strong and fight through life, while there's me who's too weak for anything that life throws at me.

   I'm not sure if anyone really cares why I'm in front of a lake nearby school, but I've got nothing to lose if I already lost everything.

&@&@ 12 hours before &@&@

   "Dawn, can you do my hair for me please?"

   "Misty, can you zip up the back of my dress?"

   "Tie this please, May?"

   "Thank you Serena!"

   "Can you please help put on my shoes, they have so many straps that I get dizzy just looking at it!"

   In other words, 4 hours before the showcase, it was chaotic.

   Misty had trouble with her hair, May's headwear was missing, Iris needed help strapping on these cute strappy shoes (in the end, the straps got tangled and she decided to put on a pair of sneakers), Dawn's dress waistband's were messed up.

   Oh, and I lost my shoes somewhere...

    To be truthful, it was a miracle that Iris found a dress (A/N: pic above) the day before the showcase, and it was gorgeous too. A high collared, long-sleeved green dress with a floor length skirt and a few ruffles here and there. It went really well with her dark complexion.

   In the end, when the chaos was straightened out, we all looked beautiful.

   And I felt beautiful for the first time in a long time.

   Misty's hair was straightened out (literally, thanks to Dawn), we found May's headwear where my red shoes were, and with May's help, I managed to fix Dawn's waistband.

   (A/N: they aren't wearing makeup, mainly because I don't know how to describe it...)

The decorated gymnasium was gorgeous.
Streamers, lights, and students dancing or talking. Vibrant colors and sounds of laughter caught the air.

The judges were Principal Diana and two of her college friends, Professor Oak and Professor Sycamore.

Aria was formerly going to be a judge, but she decided to be one of the announcers for the performances.

   My friends were already somewhere, trying to get ready for their time.

I was in the crowd as I watched duos come and go, dance beautifully.

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