>Chapter 9<

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I smiled back at Meitte.

"Your welcome. That's what friends are for." Before Miette could respond back, Calem was behind Miette all of a sudden. He smiled so lovingly to Miette, that my heart ached and memories rose.

   I blinked back upcoming tears, and shrunk into the walls. He seemed to not of notice me yet.

   "How are you, my blue blossom?" Calem murmured into her short blue hair, hugging her tightly from the waist. I watched them while sliding down to the floor, tucked into the shadows with my eyes pricked with tears and shallow breaths.

   I feel like I'm going to drown. Gulping in faster breaths, I remembered how Calem use to call me a nickname. Closing my eyes, I drowned into my memories.

"Cherry Kimono! Wait up!" Calem called out to me. I giggled to myself, my running to a stop.

"Yes Calem?" I asked him innocently, trying to keep my laughter in check. I was, however, unsuccessful when he caught up and grinned the goofy smile I love so much.

While I was erupting into giggles, Calem shook his head a fake disappointment and cupped my cheeks. I flushed into my signature shade of pink I always have around him.

"You're adorable when you blush, Cherry Kimono," Calem gave a peck on both of my cheeks. I reddened into a darker color while smiling at him.

Leaning against him, I hugged him, holding him close to me. When he smiled at me, I never thought I could be happier than now; a bright future that had Calem in it.

Miette gave Calem a light kiss that I could mentally envision fireworks exploding from. While he wrapped her into his arms to deepen their kiss, my tears flowed over brim; blurring my vision.

   I wiped away them quickly, only to have more sliding down my cheeks. Running out of the shadows of the hallway walls, I ran away from them. My ex-boyfriend who loves my friend more than he ever had before with any girl.

   Running away from my heart like I always do. Why can't I find love like Miette has? What did I do wrong to have my heart shattered again and again? What is wrong with me that made people turn away? I found an abandoned classroom, dropped into there, and sobbed everything of me out.

@&@&@ ~Time Skip~ &@&@&

   "Serena? Serena!" My blue eyes fluttered open to meet a pair of violet ones. "Finally! You woke up!" Iris grinned in relief. "Girls! I've found her, and she's awake!"

   "Really?" Dawn's excited voice shot into the air. 

   "Is she okay?" May's concerned voice asked from my right.

   "Serena! Don't you ever just disappear and miss half of the day like that!" Misty's angry voice came closer to me. When she got close, she hugged me tightly. "But I'm glad that you're okay too!"

   I hugged her back while the others joined in to make a group hug. After a moment, we broke off, smiling and laughing. I love my best friends, they make my tears into laughter, and frowns into smiles.

   "I missed the rest of the day?" I pressed my lips together. "This is going to be terrible for my permeant student record!"

   "Don't worry, Sere! The rest of the school day was called off in order to practice dancing for the showcase," May assured me. "But, for some strange reason, they paired me up with Drew. The arrogant grass head he is."

   I smiled secretly with Dawn, knowing well that Miette had paired them up on purpose.

   "Why do all of us have to dance anyway? Isn't it supposed to be a choice?" Misty wondered out loud.

   "Didn't you hear, Mist? Everyone has to dance in order for everyone to stop fighting each other," Iris explained, frowning along with her.

   "Well, most of the school day was off. We still had to go to eighth hour, History," Dawn tilt her head to me. "We're starting the Egyptian unit, and we were paired up with partners."

   "Who did I get?" I asked, half-absently. The first student council meeting is taking place on this Friday, after school, in Mrs. Draw-Sight's classroom. She's the Kanto High's only art teacher.

   "Ash," Dawn sliced through my thoughts.

   "What?" I ask, confused and blinking my eyes.

   "Ash. You got Ash as your partner," Misty answered, lying on the floor beside me. Blinking my eyes rapidly, I process this information I've received. Was it a coincidence that I talked to Ash earlier before and got him as a partner for History? Or is it... his sign that he wants my help?

"Come on Serena. Let's get you back home," Misty smiled softly, helping me up with Iris.

"Sorry that we have to leave girls," Dawn waved at us.

"We've made plans with Lillie and Mallow already during History to work on our projects together!" May called back at us. "See you tomorrow!" Iris caught my confused expression and explained. "Lillie is partners with May. Dawn is partners with Mallow. Since they're all friends, they decided to work together." I nodded, no longer confused.

We walked in a comfortable silence towards the front doors. When we were nearly there, Iris's voice filled our silence. "Sorry Mist, sorry Sere. I've got to go, since I have 'so' many assignments missing, I have to volunteer at the visiting center to teach kids how to play Basketball to get my grade up." She glanced at the nearest wall clock. "Which should be starting in... five minutes?! Sorry guys! 'Gotta run!" She swiftly ran out of the front doors and down the sidewalk, probably climbing a tree to make the process faster.

I side glanced at Misty, smiling. "Should we be worried?"

She shook her head, smiling as well. "Nah, she's a fast runner and an even faster climber."


   "You're in the Student Council to get out of dancing in the showcase?" Misty rolled onto her back. We were in my bedroom, having an unplanned, last minute sleepover.

"Yeah," I rolled onto my back too, looking up to my white, popcorn ceiling. "Who are you dancing with for the showcase, Mist?" I smiled to myself, knowing well that she flushed into a shade of red that rivaled her hair color.

   "Maybe... Ash. If I ever get the courage to ask him. Unless he asks me, which I doubt."

   "Why? You should really stop being so negative to yourself."

   "But growing up with three older sisters, whose accomplishments seem better than yours? It's hard stay positive with them stomping down onto you."

   "But are they Misty Waterflower?"

   "... no?"

   "Exactly. They're not Misty Waterflower, the headstrong, loyal, and stubborn girl that everyone knows and loves."

   Misty rolled herself onto her stomach, propping herself onto her elbows. "Really?" She asked. I nodded, rolling myself up to face her. We talked for hours, staying up until one in the morning, until the sleeping spell started to shoot onto Misty.

   Before she fell asleep, Misty asked a promise. "Can you find out if Ash has a crush? Promise Serena?" She close her sea blue eyes, and slipped into the dream world.

   I smiled at her and through my teeth. "I promise Misty. And you know better than anyone else that I never break a promise."

   She's my best friend. And I'd rather lie to protect her than to helplessly watch her stumble across the glass shards of her broken heart.

1256 words

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