>Chapter 15<

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The plan was that he would sing to his crush at the Showcase in a few weeks.

   After the partner dancing, the judge and so on, students could volunteer and sing, or a band could take over.

   And I only know this because of the flyers that were hung around the school yesterday.

Volunteer To Sing At The December Dance Showcase!
After the dancing, judging, and winners  are chosen, anyone would still like to dance to someone singing!
Maybe you will sing becuase of a dare? For fun? Or perhaps for a secret crush?
If you're planning on doing it, contact the student council today!
Good Luck & Have Fun!

   The student council is going to discuss it today, after school.

&@&@& ~Time Skip~ &@&@&

   After the bell rang, ending another school day. I headed to Miss Dare's art room for the student council meeting.

   When I stepped in her classroom, the flurries of art rushed towards me. Drawings, colorful posters, and clay sculptures littered the tables and walls.

   Her bookshelf was stuffed of art
books. And her room still had the unmistakable familiar smell of wet paint and clay.

   "Hello, Serena," I turned to see the only art teacher. She had a friendly smile and dreamy green eyes. Her frizzy red hair was twisted into a bun with a pencil to keep it together.

"Hello to you too, Miss Dare," I smiled back in return.

"Are you here for the student council meeting?"

"Yes, I'm the Vice President."

   "Wonderful, Serena. The others should be coming," Then she looked at me, her dreamy eyes suddenly came into sharp focus; as in she was looking into me. "You'll start new after one more break."

Miss Dare is laid-back and really good at teaching & drawing, but she says strange things like that.

At times, the things she says even come true. A lot of the kids call her a witch, sorceress, or even an oracle. I just call her my art teacher.

I looked at her thoughtfully before asking a question. "Where will the break be?"

"The place you are hurt the most."

   "What? Where am I hurt the m--"

   "Hey, Serena!" I was interrupted by the bluenette walking through the door.

   "Hi, Meitte," I smiled in her direction before turning back to Miss Dare. Except, she wasn't there anymore.


&@&@& ~Time Skip~ &@&@&

   "Roll Call!" Miette announced before rattling off names. "Secretary, Brianna?"

   "Here!" A girl with short red hair and a cute orange skirt replied.

   "Treasurer, Barry?" Miette continued, but there was no reply. She looked up from the piece of paper that she was using as an attendance sheet. "Barry? Has anyone seen Barry?"

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