>Chapter 8<

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   "It's just my math notebook," I replied hesitantly, moving a loose lock of my hair away from my face.

   "Or is it?" Iris questioned, smiling playfully. I looked down to my black high tops, trying not to turn pink while I felt everyone's eyes on me. A wave of cerulean blue, a striking violet color of the royals, a sapphire shade of the sky, and a light of the midnight blue moon, all staring down to me.

   When I was looking down, I saw a pair of incoming red sneakers. A familiar pair of red sneakers. I tightened my grip on my bag, trying not to think of what my best friends were thinking.

   "Hey Misty! Hiya Dawn! How's life, May? Still alive, Iris? Hello Serena!" A boy greeted all of us individually. I looked up, into his brown eyes. Or, chocolate eyes as Misty would describe.

   If Misty was like every other girl that talked to their crushes, she would've blushed, giggle, and/or flirt. But she isn't like everyone else, which is one of the reasons why she's my best friend. I didn't mind her temper and originality, and she didn't mind my cowardly self.

   "Hey Ash! What brings you here?"
Misty asked casually. And just like that, she seemed natural and comfortable talking to her crush.

   "Oh... I just need to talk to Serena. Privately. I... owe her a... um... favor! Yep, a favor," He nervously scratched the back of his neck, smiling a little hesitantly. Misty blinked, processing at what he had said.

   "Wow. And I thought Serena was terrible at lying," Iris remarked as Misty glanced between Ash and me. I flushed into my usual shade of pink. When Misty looked at me, her eyes were in question.

I shrugged, mentally telling her that I had no idea what he wanted either. Her shoulders relaxed a bit in relief, though I could tell that she changed her worry to worry for me. I was still clutching my bag when I stood up.

"Where to?" I nervously asked.

"Just follow me," Ash replied, walking away. I glanced back at the girls. All of them had some sort of expression on their faces. Worry, confusion, curiosity, and blissfulness (that was May, still enjoying her food. Oblivious to everything, as usual. Lucky her).

Dawn gestured me to go. Misty nodded in agreement. I grimaced, walking towards Ash, who is patiently waiting for me. When I reach him, he lets out his hands.

"Can I have my math notebook back?" He asked, a bit weary.

"Sure," I nodded to him. Reaching to my bag to grab his notebook, I remembered the love poem in the back of his notebook. I stopped in motion, deciding weather to ask about it or let it drop.

Deciding to try to drop the subject, I pulled out his notebook. Ash reached for it while I bit my lip. My curiosity was intense. I pulled it away without a thought and opened my mouth.

"Who is the love poem for?" I blurted out. Widening my eyes, I covered my mouth with my hands, accidentally dropping the notebook at the same time. He picked it up, not speaking at all.

"You did read it, didn't you?" He stated a rhetorical question, slipping the notebook into his backpack. "I was hoping that you wouldn't."

"I can help you..." I mumbled, mainly to myself.

"Help me with what?" I cringed mentally at myself.

"Getting you together with your crush."

"What's a crush?" I face palmed mentally at his question.

"Someone... you love secretly. Someone you would write a love poem for. Someone that you're afraid would reject you, break your heart, or crush you," I answered, after some thought.

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