>Chapter 6<

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"I-I'm fine," I mumbled, lifting myself up instead of taking his hand. I picked up the last of my books while he ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Er- that's great," He cheerfully replied. I glanced down to my high tops. We landed into an awkward silence, with only our heavy breathing for company.

"Well... we're going to be late, so see you around," He scratched the back of his neck with a grin. I turned to walk away. He doesn't recognize me. "Later," I whispered, clutching my books close to my chest.

I broke into a run, skidding near my first class. The door was open, so I quickly glanced at my math teacher before I quietly crept to my seat.

"Serena Yvonne, would you care to explain why you are late?" An icy voice sliced through the air. I froze and turned around to meet the sharp green eyes of my teacher.

"Umm.. y-you s-s-see, I-I was--"

"UNACCEPTABLE MISS YVONNE! Unacceptable!" She roared into the silent classroom. All eyes were on me. I backed away, trying to make myself smaller.

"I-I'm s-so sorr-ry, M-m-miss--"
"I expect to see you after class today, Miss Yvonne." She turned away, continuing class as if nothing ever happened. My eyes teared up as I hurried towards my seat. It was unusual for a teacher to yell at me so when it did happen, it turned my stomach into knots.

After I dropped everything on my desk, I squeezed my eyes. I reopened them and got out my supplies. I'm not going to cry today, even if I see Korrina and Clemont together.

I opened my notebook to a fresh page. Why do the pages look different? I thought as I trail my fingers down the blank page. Shrugging off that thought, I pulled out a pencil, and started writing furiously to catch up with the notes I've met, thanks to my tardiness.

&@&@& ~Time Skip~ &@&@&

   I packed all of my books neatly into my pink bag as the rest of the class filed out. The bag was small though, so I had to carry my math notebook instead. Looping the bag handle over my shoulder, I took small steps to Miss Kinz's desk.

   "You wanted to see me, Miss Kinz?" I mumbled quietly.

   "What was that, Miss Yvonne? I could not catch that," Her icy voice sailed through the air.

   "You wanted to see me, Miss Kinz?" I raised my voice, the pitch reaching higher out of fear.

   "Much better. Now, I am to say that I am very, very, disappointed in you for being tardy."

   "I c-can explain--" I stuttered before she cut off the rest and of my sentence.

   "You will not speak unless you are told to, understood?" Without waiting for my answer, she spoke. "In all of your records, you were a star student. Perfect attendance with no tardiness. Straight A's on all report cards. It is easy to be shocked that you are late, is it not?"

   She looked at me formally and started once more. "This will not happen again in the future, I presume?" I looker down and nodded. "Yes, Miss Kinz."

   "Good, Miss Yvonne. Now, on you go to your next class. I have another class to teach." I spun my heel and head out the door without a backwards glance.

   When I was out, I bursted into a small smile. Thank Arceus, that I've been dismissed. I let out a breath of relief before turning the next corner to my next class.

   The hallways were filled up, and I was swept up into the flurry of moving people. Just when I stepped into my Language Arts hour, a voice called out to me. "Hey, Serena! Wait up!"

   When I turned to the direction of the voice, I was blocked by a taller student wearing headphones. It was probably one of the girls. Shrugging to myself, I stepped further into the classroom. I had Iris and May with me in this hour.

   "Hey May!" I called out to her. She was sitting at our usual table, and was leaning over, writing furiously in her notebook. She looked up. "Oh, hey Serena!"

   I sat down across from her. "Iris not here yet?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

   "Well, you know her," May replied, twirling the pencil with her fingers. "She's always late."

   I nodded, flipping my math notebook in my hands. I soon dropped it, and leaped down to get it back. It was flipped to the last page. My ears could catch Iris coming in and talking with May. I picked up the notebook to read it in the light.

Eyes as blue as the ocean and sea,
I'm an ordinary boy, you'll never notice me.
Hair as bright as your flaming temper.
Regal to be a queen, with your shining scepter.
You make me feel powerful with our smiles and fights,
You are my heart, my soul, my queen, and my light.
I would follow you to my freedom or death,
I'll love you to my final breath.
You are the most beautiful girl I ever knew,
You fight me, and I can sue you. (Just Kidding, or am I?)

I blinked at the poem, and broke into a smile. This is so sweet, and funny at the same time. Wonder who it is for? I shake of that thought.

What is more important is how and why I have a love poem in the back of my notebook. I flipped it to the cover. Arceus. Of course this would happen.

Ash Ketchum
Math Notebook
Hour: 6/7

There it is, in black-and-white. As I tried to make sense out of it, my mind came to discovery. I have picked up Ash Ketchum's math notebook by accident and discovered that he has a crush.

Arceus, I'm in a situation. How did I get in the middle of it?

985 words

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