>Chapter 4<

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Silence hung heavily in the air as we walked back to Pokémon High. Misty glanced at me every few minutes, worried. Finally, I was agitated.

"What?!" I snapped at her when she glanced at me again. She flinched back and guilt formed in my chest. "I'm... sorry that I snapped at you Mist," I softly said, reaching out to her. She flinched away and blinked at me with her big, ocean-colored eyes.

Hurt formed in with guilt. I took back my hand.

"I guess I am really a bad friend, after all, there's got to be something about me that Calem, Red, and Clemont hate in common." I whispered. Misty reached out to me before I could walk away like I always do.

"Serena, you're not a bad friend. I just was thinking to give you space to think instead of me hovering over you, asking questions and things like that," We walked towards the school again.

"There's nothing wrong with you Sere. Boys are just too dumb to ever catch on."

"But I'm a coward. A scaredy-cat. A crybaby. Perhaps I'm just too-"

"Stop thinking of the past Serena! The past is gone, just like the bullying is gone now when we became friends."

"But you know as well as anyone that I am a coward." She turned quiet as I continued on. "I'm the most scared out of our friends, and the one who freaks out the most, no matter what situation."

"That is true, you do have many fears, but it's okay to have flaws, Serena. See, there's my hot temper. Drew probably likes May, but she's too oblivious and annoyed with him to notice. Iris has, a defensive wall to insult boys because one broke her heart once."


"Yep, she probably understands you a little more than Me, Dawn, and May."

"May, Dawn, and I." I corrected absentmindedly.

"See? You're coming back out of your hole!" Misty cheered.

"I am, but not my heart," I answered quietly. Pokémon High was in view sight now.

"You'll love again. I know you will," She replied back. It was free period now. Thank Arceus we have spare during 1st period. On Mondays, we have to go to homeroom and things like that.

The good news about spare is that Dawn, Iris, and May are in spare with us.

Bad news is that Calem and Meitte are here too. As well as Clemont and Korrina. And let's not forget them: Ash, Gary, Drew, and Kenny. I think Ash and Gary met them at FSA during the exchange school program.

I sighed as Misty and I walk over to our usual hangout. An old and humongous tree with low branches, where Iris is currently on and climbing higher.

Dawn was trying to convince Iris to come down as May was making faces at Drew, who was sitting at the school's front steps.

Iris saw us first. "Hey Misty! Hey Serena!" She called out.

"Hey Iris!" Misty called back. Dawn hugged us both. "Where have you guys been?" I stared at the ground as Misty gestured to the nearby park and to Clemont, obviously trying not to glare at him.

"Hey Serena, hey Misty," May came over with no enthusiasm, munching on an apple.

"What's wrong?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Drew gave me another rose." Dawn over heard as Iris climbed down and chatted with Misty.

"Awww, that's so sweet!" Dawn gushed, coming over to us. May shook her head furiously and started to ferociously eat her apple.

"Arceus- no- way- yummy- apple- annoying- arrogant- balloon head," May replied between bites.

"Balloon head?" Dawn grinned, winking at me. "That's an insult I haven't heard before."

"You can say that again," I winked back. May blushed.

"I'm not as creative as Misty and Iris at insults. Or desserts like you, Serena. Or at making a conversation interesting like you, Dawn."

"You're creative at eating," Dawn joked. "You always plan ahead and eat everything a new way." May thought about it for a moment and grinned. "True, very true Dawn."

689 words

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