>Chapter 19< (Part 2/2)

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That didn't really surprise me, I guess.

"You're Jake? The Jake?" I asked, tilting my head to the green-eyed boy.

"The one and only," He said sarcastically, and for no reason that made me laugh.

He joined in and we laughed for who knows how long.

I felt slightly better after that. I looked back at the water, thinking to myself.

   Why did I want to die.

   I really am quite a coward.

"Hey, Jake," I started to say and looked up, but he was gone. Not a trace if his ghostly self.

   That's really weird.

   I started to stroke Fennekin with my other hand, to only realize that I had that sharp rock in hand.

   Fennekin's attentive orange eyes looked up to me, as if telling me to choose.

   "Fennekin?" She softly barked, nudging my arm. "Fennekin, Fen."

   "You're right, Fennekin," I whispered and stroke her large ears. "I'm really quite idiotic."

   I lifted my hands to break apart the bands that held my hairdo, and my honey blonde hair fell down around my shoulders.

   Fennekin jumped off my lap and turned to stare at me, curious of what I was planning next.

   I hold steady of one half of my hair, position the sharp rock with my other hand, and slice my hair off.

   The hair strands fell loose from my hand and drifted into the water.

   I crack a smile and look into the dark sky.

   I feel... almost free.

&@&@& ~Time Skip~ &@&@&

   I had walked home instead of going back to school.

   And yes, it was cold, windy, and chilly, but my cowardliness refused me to go back to the showcase.

   On the bright side, Fennekin was there to walk the whole way back home with me.

My hair is short and I feel light inside.

   And plus... new hair, new fashion style! Am I right?

~And Another Time Skip Because The Author Doesn't Have Any Idea How Fashion Works~

   "Oh my Arceus, Serena! You cut your hair!" Dawn eyes widened as she point my new style out.

   "An a new oufi," May piped up after, with a mouthful of toast.

I blush and tuck a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Y-yep. I did," I smiled at them.

"Hey, Serena! Nice hat!" A familiar voice called to me. I turned to see my best friend, who's now in a sorta relationship with her forever and my sorta new crush?

Too confusing.

"Thanks," I wrap my hands around her for a hug. "Heard you got that Ash sung song?"

The red head cheeks colored slightly and she looked up to the ceiling smiling. "Yeah! Where were you anyways?"

"I was... around. Didn't want to get involved. Then I left early," I lied, still smiling.

Before Misty could say anything back, Iris ran in.

"Serena! Cool hair!"

"Thank you!"

Throughout the day, I got numerous compliments on my hair or my clothes. I know I sound mean, but thank Arceus that Ash caught a cold and was absent at school today.

I touch the tied blue ribbon that I had sewed onto my outfit last night, letting myself a small smile.

   It was the same ribbon that Ash had given me for my birthday.

   A bittersweet memory.

   "Come on, Serena!" Misty called out, lagging behind from the rest for me. "I'm going to be 79 at the rate you're moving!"

   "Coming!" I laughed and ran ahead to catch up with her and everyone else.


Lovely weather we have here...
You know what? I'm just going to get straight to the point. The next chapter will be the last one of "Easy On My Heart". And I made the mistake of re-reading my previous chapters and cringing... and rolling off my bed, as of now.


I'm sorry for updating late.

And thank you so so much for the 2K reads. Thank you so so very much. And no, I'm not crying a tear of joy, that was because I was, um, yawning, yes, yawning.

673 words

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