1 - Wrong Time, Wrong Place

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Steven was alone now. He and the other Crystal Gems hadn't been able to save Greg from the zoo. In their attempt, right before reaching the door, an amethyst grabbed Greg and Steven by their collars. Greg has been sent back into the zoo, but Steven, being identified as the 'trouble maker', was taken away.

Now he didn't know where the gems were, nor what was happening to his father. He had seen Amethyst briefly, who had helped him escape the holding room, but didn't know what she was doing now. Steven just hoped she was still feeling comfortable with the other Amethysts.

He was sitting in a cold, pink room, hiding behind one of the many pillars reaching to the tall ceiling. The ceiling was decorated with thousands of bubbled rose quartz', which made him involuntarily start to cry. The polished walls and floors were designed elaborately, and he had to admit they were beautiful.

But, not very far away at all, a ginormous blue gem sat kneeling, her blue pearl, which was tiny compared to her master, bowing respectfully at her side. Silent tears rolled down Blue Diamond's face, and her melancholy face was hidden under her large hood.

Suddenly, the large door at the end of the hall slid open, and the large figure of Yellow Diamond came through. Panic seized Steven, as he watched with wide, tear-filled eyes, and slid lower down the pillar he was hiding behind.

"Please tell me your joking," grimaced Yellow Diamond, rolling her eyes and stepping forward, "You only just left, and you're already back." Blue Diamond lowered her hood, turning to face her sister.

"Yellow, w-what are you doing here?" Blue Diamond asked in a soft, melodic voice. She wiped her face with a hand.

"I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue," Yellow Diamond strutted away, as her yellow pearl joined Blue's.

"I'm fine, just, leave me alone..." Blue looked down at her hands again. Yellow Diamond examined the bubbled Rose Quartz gems with distaste. She turned quickly and gestured her hand toward Blue Diamond.

"It's been thousands of years, Blue, and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these gems?" said Yellow Diamond hurriedly. She continued on, pacing, scowling, "She was shattered by a rose quartz and the entire cut of gems deserves the same fate!" She clenched her fists and walked back to her sister. The sound of her boots on the floor echoed in the room, as Steven sank even lower. He knew he wasn't in a very good situation. He was a rose quartz gem, (or half of one, anyway,), and he possessed the very gem that killed Pink Diamond nonetheless.

Yellow Diamond and Blue continued to argue.

"They were hers," Blue said sadly, looking into Yellow's eyes.

"They should be wiped out of existence, not kept safe in bubbles!"

"She made them. This is all we have left of her. These gems. This place. The earth..." Blue spoke in a soft, reasonable voice, frowning at her sister's counterarguments. Yellow Diamond began to pace again.

"I though we agreed, we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us." Yellow pressured.

Blue turned away angrily, and though her voice did not raise, it wavered, "Why can't you just let me grieve?"

"You can't keep coming here forever!"

"Why not?" Blue argued, fresh rivers of tears streaming from her eyes. Yellow turned toward her servant, Yellow Pearl.

"Pearl, do something. Sing for her. Make her feel better!" she directed. Yellow Pearl suckered up for her diamond.

"Yes, my diamond!" Yellow Pearl said in her usual nasally voice. She eagerly cleared her throat, "Ahem..." For a second, she waited for Blue Pearl to contribute, and when Blue Pearl didn't, Yellow Pearl nosily leaned into Blue's face and said, "Ahem!"

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