26 - Rose Bud

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The pink gem hovering in the air was glowing so bright it was practically white. For a few full seconds it hovered there, and Peridot stared at it, eyes and mouth wide open.

Then, the gem emitted a burst of liquid light, which took shape around the gem.

At first, that was all it was, liquid light swirling from the gem, when it... very slowly... began to take shape.

The light molded itself into the frame of a young child's body, and Peridot could barely tell, but the still shining white form was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, sporting curly hair.

The form hovered, slightly slumped in the air, the gem producing the light placed on his navel, when the form lowered just a few inches above the ground and a flood of colors washed over the white silhouette.

Peridot was watching, paralyzed, in astonishment. She was surprised, and of course happy, that Steven could regenerate, having an organic body. Now that he had... well, she was so shocked she didn't know what to think.

Steven Universe, fully reformed, dropped the last few inches to the ground, onto the huge mess of pillows and cushions. His legs gave out weakly beneath him, and Steven fell into the bundle.

Snapping out of her stupor with the realization that Steven was back, Peridot ran over to see if he was okay.

"Steven!?" she yelled, equally happy, concerned, flabbergasted, and emotional. She thought she had lost her first friend; the one who was kind to her when she was not. But he was here now.

Peridot crawled down next to the boy, who was lying on his back, unconscious. She quickly checked his pulse, remembering some first aid lessons Pearl had given to her and Lapis, and was relieved to find it normal.

Hesitantly, Peridot considered waking Steven. He seemed really tired, and was completely limp and weak, lying there on the bundle of pillows and cushions.

Anxious to talk to Steven, Peridot shook the boy, hoping she wasn't hurting him.

Slowly, Steven blinked his eyes open, and was surprised to find Peridot hovering cautiously overtop of him. He blinked a few more times, forcing her face to swim into focus above his own.

Peridot was smiling and had tears of joy in her eyes.

"Steven!" she exclaimed again. Steven squinted in confusion.

"P-peridot?" he managed to mutter. Peridot nodded happily, and helped him sit up. Steven looked around him, his confusion only growing more. There were mountains of random stuff everywhere. He was in Amethyst's room. But why?

"W-why are we in Amethyst's room?" Steven asked, sleepily, rubbing his eyes. Peridot, helped Steven stand up, and when his legs buckled again, she caught him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, helping Steven steady himself, holding onto his arm.

"I'm... tired..." yawned Steven, trying to blink away the sleep. Steven then realized the painful emptiness in the bottom of his stomach. "And hungry..."

Before Peridot could say anything, the temple door opened, and four weary looking gems, including Pearl, were standing in the open doorway. It took everyone a moment to process what they were seeing, but when they did, the air disappeared from their lungs.

Peridot was there, and so was Steven.

Steven was alive. He was here. He was staring at them, relief and exhaustion in his eyes.

Lapis, Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst, could only process one minuscule thought at a time. Their hearts swelled up with joy and relief and sadness and happiness until it hurt.

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