4 - Let's Try This Again

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Only about half a day passed before Steven's presence was summoned by the diamonds again. He felt like a mouse being presented in front of two hungry hawks when he entered the meeting room he had fainted in not too long ago. Steven was just thankful that he was well rested and healthy. He'd felt he'd made a bad impression the last times he'd stood before the diamonds.

"Oh, this is truly an honor, it really is, my Diamonds! I have the honor of being in your presence a second time!" Larimar ranted until Yellow Diamond rolled her eyes asked Larimar to leave.

Steven shifted his feet as he looked at the diamonds sitting once again before him. They were having a heated, yet quiet argument with each other. Steven couldn't hear what they were saying, partly because they were being so quiet, and also because they were speaking so fast, continually cutting each other off.

Yellow and Blue Pearl were whispering to each other. Well, more like Yellow Pearl was furiously whispering to Blue Pearl, who politely nodded her head and added her opinion every once in a while. Both the diamonds and the pearls kept glancing over at Steven, which made him feel even more under the spotlight than he had already. Worry built up in his heart, and thoughts about what the diamonds might do to him came rushing back.

"Please, please, please, let Azurite have kept her promise!" Steven thought to himself fretfully. "Don't let Dad and Pearl and Amethyst and Garnet... I mean Ruby and Sapphire be punished because of me! Please don't bubble me! Can I even be poofed?"

"Ahem," Yellow Diamond cleared her throat. Steven snapped his head upward and paled a little.

"S-sorry..." he apologized. Yellow frowned.

"Let's try this again, shall we?" she said with no hint of a joking matter. Steven blushed a little, and looked away for a second. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy!" Yellow Diamond spat. Steven jumped and immediately looked back at Yellow Diamond. "Much better." Yellow leaned back in her chair. Blue Diamond glanced her way, but did not say anything.

"Now... I am going to tell you what we need to get over with, and you will not argue or attempt to escape, understood?" Steven tensed up and fear clenched his heart, but he slowly nodded his head. He would've objected at the way she commanded him to 'not try to escape', but he was not going to risk his life like that. Yellow opened her mouth to speak, but Blue spoke first.

"Once I am finished attending my business here, we are going to our Homeworld, and will have further discussion with White Diamond to see if you have any use to us." Yellow Diamond looked outraged, but before she could object to what Blue Diamond said, Blue waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "The larimar assigned to escort you should be waiting outside the door."

Steven was shaking a little bit and didn't move when Blue Pearl opened the door. Instead, the Larimar, (in her uniform way), came in, grabbed Steven's right wrist (since his left was bandaged), and pulled him out of the room and in the direction of his cell. When Blue Pearl closed the door, Yellow diamond stood up and slammed her hands down on the diamond table, making both pearls in the room jump.

"This is not what we agreed on!" Yellow yelled at Blue Diamond. Blue stood up calmly and raised her chin.

"Yellow, we have not had time to discuss a certain matter that made me change my mind. Now, if you will listen-"

"I will not!" Yellow Diamond yelled, fuming at the ears. "We had a decision to terminate the Rose Quartz that shattered Pink, and rightfully so!" Blue raised a hand, signalling for Yellow to end her rant.

"Yellow, please. Let me explain the matter. I believe you will want to hear this." Blue said, a little louder. "I have recieved information from a gem under my watch about this Steven, and have an idea you would be wise to listen to." Yellow Diamond said nothing, but as Blue DIamond explained her plan her scowl vanished.

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