6 - What Happens Here

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Yellow Diamond walked in to where Blue Diamond was kneeling... and crying in the room filled with rose quartz gems, trapped inside themselves in those pink bubbles. Yellow sighed. Blue was never going to get over it and move on shatter these gems, was she?

"Blue, I have something to discuss with you regarding our plan," Yellow said, sitting beside Blue. Blue wiped her eyes and lowered her hood.

"What is it?" she asked, frowning.

"I think it is about time we put it into action. We have waited long enough," Yellow said confidently, squaring her shoulders. Blue looked up at her, interested.

"What do you plan on doing?" she asked softly, her voice echoeing through the empty room. Not even Blue and Yellow Pearl were there, for they were running errands.

"Well, first we would need to..." Yellow explained her long plan. Blue Diamond listened patiently, holding a blank, regal expression on her face. When Yellow Diamond finished her explanation, Blue shook her head.

"It wouldn't work." Blue Diamond stated.

"Why do you say?" Yellow frowned, turning her head to the side.

"It would seem much too forced. It would be easy to catch onto. If you approach something by having it come to you, it wouldn't be natural. Therefore, our plan could be given away." Blue explained simply, standing up along with Yellow Diamond.

"Well, what do you suggest I do, then?" she asked, a hint of irritation evident in her voice. Blue thought for a moment, and then spoke.

"What?" Yellow exclaimed. "That is proposturous!"

"But, it would work." Blue reasoned calmly. "You'll have guards stationed everywhere. Nothing will go wrong."

"I will not do it, Blue." Yellow crossed her arms and looked at her fellow diamond as if she couldn't sum up 2 plus 2.

"Fine, then." Blue turned away from Yellow, walking towards the door, her beautiful attire draping behind her. She opened it and turned back, saying, "I'll do it myself."

A few minutes later, somewhere on the opposite side of Blue Diamond's ship, Larimar rushed to the prison hallway.

"I can't believe Blue Diamond would allow this... but who am I to question the request of a diamond?" Larimar muttered to herself, while she passed other gems on board the ship.

Steven squinted his eyes at the sudden blue light that filled his cell at the opening of the door. Larimar stood there, arms crossed. Steven frowned.

"Let me guess: the diamonds need to see me again, so they can tell me the details of how they're going to hold me hostage?" Steven said sarcastically. Larimar rolled her eyes.

"No, runt. Blue Diamond has requested that you... be allowed to roam the ship for a period of time..." Steven stood up confused and surprised. That is about the last thing he expected Larimar to say. Or, the last thing he expected a diamond to do.

"Wait... really?" Steven asked, bewildered. Larimar shrugged.

"That is what she told me to do. I couldn't deny a specific order directly from my diamond. She told me an azurite said it was 'healthy' for organic beings to exercise." Larmiar explained, not really sure of the concept of exercizing, given gems didn't really need it.

"So... I could just walk right out of my cell right now, without supervision, and... not be in trouble?" Steven took a cautious step towards the doorway.

"Appearantly, runt." Larimar said, before walking away. The two guards eyed each other, confused. Then glared at Steven suspiciously as he stepped out of the cell. And took another step. And another. He nervously looked back at the teo topaz gems who stared him down, and quickened his pace.

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