17 - Down to Earth

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There wasn't anything. It was just... empty space. Any sensation Steven knew at the moment were emotions. A whole flood of emotions, more painful than the arrow that had pierced his skin when he was Chalcedony.

Betrayal, sadness, fear, anger, confusion, denial, hopelessness... any negative emotion Steven could ever muster was there, in the air around him.

There was blackness, that turned into red, that turned into a mix of colors, taking shape and becoming solid.

Steven blinked in confusion.

He was lying on something squishy and comfortable, completely unlike the cold floor he slept on back on Blue Diamond's ship. Wait...

Back on Blue Diamond's Ship?

It was then that Steven realized he recognized his surroundings. For a moment he was filled with happiness and recognition, but that moment didn't last, and those feelings melted away, leaving room for shock and worry.

Steven sat bolt upright, looking around the room in confusion. Wasn't he just on Blue Diamond's vessel? Maybe he was dreaming. Yes. That's what this was. A cruel reminder of everything Steven would never again come to experience in reality.

"Steven!" a cheery, relieved voice said from below the loft of his bedroom. Steven saw Pearl rushing up the steps to greet him.

"Pearl?" Steven was smothered as Pearl hugged him profusely.

"I'm so glad to see that you're awake. Do you feel okay? Nothing hurts, does it?" Pearl asked, feeling Steven's forehead and checking his gem with motherly worry.

"I-I'm fine..." Steven said, seemingly zoned off. Pearl looked Steven in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" she asked, noticing Steven seemed lost in his thoughts.

"I'm fine," Steven said again, more defensively. He pulled away from Pearl backing further into his blanket. Pearl pulled her hand away from Steven's face.

"Steven? What wrong...?"

Steven was spaced out again, examining his room with a growing sense of panic. Why was he here? When had they gotten here?

Where was everyone?

The last thing Steven could remember clearly was Lapis forcing him to fuse with her, then everything after that seemed to fade away.

Other than that one small little detail of being shot through with an arrow.

Trying to change the subject, Pearl came up with an idea.

"Steven! Greg is going to be so happy to see you! I'll get Amethyst to-" Pearl was cut off.

"I don't want to see him," Steven said monotone, glaring down at his bedsheets. Pearl fumbled with her words for a second.

"What? Why not?" Pearl was surprised. Usually, Steven would be anxious to see his dad, and Pearl was absolutely sure that after so long of his father's absence, Steven would jump at the opportunity with glee.

"I... I Just don't, Pearl," Steven said, his tone harsh. He again began to examine his room with scared eyes. The place was growing less and less comforting by the second.


"I shouldn't be here..." Steven muttered, eyes darting from one thing to another. The TV. The kitchen. The warp pad.

"What?" Pearl was dumbfounded. "Steven, what do you mean by that?"

"Pearl, why am I here?" Steven asked, louder. Before Pearl could respond, he added, "Why did you bring me here?"

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