10 - Your Diamond Awaits You

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Steven awoke to Larimar shaking him awake. Steven rubbed his eyes in annoyance, a stark contrast to the excitement and nervousness Larimar was practically radiating.

"What is it this time?" Steven sighed, following Larimar out the door. Larimar seemed to be speed-walking faster than usual.

"Blue Diamond has requested your presence again!" Larimar said excitedly. Steven became confused. What was new?

"Why are you so excited?" Steven asked. Larimar rolled her eyes like it was obvious 'why.'

"Because," Larimar stated, exaggerating her syllables. "My wonderful Diamond is going to promote me to an important job as a personal guard!" Larimar stated, her eyes shining with greed. Then her face turned into a grimace. "Depending on how well you do when you two chat. So don't screw things up, runt."

"What?" Steven tilted his head to the side. He wasn't catching on, and, honestly, he didn't care about Larimar's job promotion. Steven had bigger concerns.

First of all, he was stuck on a Diamond's ship, that was supposedly designated for Homeworld at any given moment.

Second of all, he was called to meet with Blue Diamond. Last time he and Blue Diamond has a run in... well... Steven was shown the broken up remains of former gems that his mother had appearantly, (one way or another), killed.

"Never mind," Larimar said, having now contained herself. She continued on in an awkward silence, Steven trying to keep up with his grasped wrist behind her.

"Can you... Slow down?" said Steven in irritation, tripping over himself. He didn't understand how someone practically sprinting through the hallways could make it seem like they were just speedwalking.

"Can you walk faster?" Larimar mumbled. Steven groaned in exhasperation. His speed level was high above 'walk.'

Larimar and Steven turned a few corners, and found their way through a couple hallways, before coming to the gigantic blue doors of a very familiar room. Steven's veins ran cold.

This is where he had been interrogated. Why would he be here now?

Steven didn't have time to think about the possibilities, though, because the doors gracefully slid open, Blue Pearl by the entrance. Inside Blue Diamond was on a large, beautifully crafted throne. On the floor in front of her was a diamond triad symbol, beautifully decorating the floor.

The most noticeable feature of the room, however, were the gigantic windows.

They opened up to the cosmos, letting rainbow light melt through the glass and devour the room. The reflection of the colorful light on the crystal pillars surrounding the throne cast water-like patterns across the ceiling and floor. It was nothing short of beautiful.

This room was nothing like the dark, almost suffocating presence it had previously been.

Unfortunately, Steven wasn't there to admire the skillful architecture, and he was too nervous to enjoy it at all.

He kept his cautious gaze on the large goddess-like being sitting upon her throne, who, in return, cast him a superior, intimidating one. Steven swallowed not realizing how dry his throat had become.

Larimar suckered up for her diamond. She bowed down, bending her arms into the shape of a diamond.

"My Diamond! I've brought-" Larimar was cut off.

"Yes, I see that. You may leave now, Larimar," Blue Diamond said, her accented voice authorative. Larimar straightened back up and nodded her head.

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