22 - Escape the City

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"E-VA-CU-ATE!" blared the speakers atop Mayor Dewey's campaign van. The morning sun had barely risen above the horizon line over the ocean, but already, people were up and packing.

Children held fear in their eyes, parents concern, and grandparents, comfort. The Crystal Gems were helping people move along, as fast as possible. They had no idea when Homeworld forces would strike, but they knew that the diamonds wouldn't spare mercy for even the least left on the battleground.

A loud, crowded hustle of people made a steady traffic flow throughout the city. A long line of cars was quickly driving from the small, oceanside town as if it were already being invaded.

Women and men alike hustled out of their houses, carrying their most valued possessions, and loading them into their cars.

Some people were making phone calls to family members, asking for favors such as a place to stay, or just some extra money to rent a hotel room. Some faces were relieved because of their phone calls, others frustrated. Almost everyone was flustered, especially since the entire community had been awoken at 3 in the morning, being told to evacuate.

"I'm sorry, could you help me with this?"


"Kids! Get over here! This is serious!"

"Hurry! Into the car!"

"Hello? Hello... has anyone seen the Crystal Gems?" Connie pushed through the flooding crowds of people hurrying to escape the city before it was too late.

The young, fretful girl came to a halt as she spied the the four guardian protectors of Beach City. She hurried over, careful to keep her manners when saying, "Pardon me."

Connie tilted her head in confusion as she saw Ruby and Sapphire, unfused. They seemed to be avoiding each other, directing people towards the highway out of the town, but keeping their distance.

She had met the two small gems before, once, but she didn't know why they wouldn't be forming Garnet, especially in a time like this. She figured it would be rude to ask, so she didn't. Beside, she had a more important subject of concern on her mind.

"Pearl," Connie greeted walking up to the tall gem. She was the one Connie was most acquainted and comfortable with.

Pearl turned her sullen eyes to face Connie. Connie took an unnoticeable step backwards, trying and failing to hide her shock.

Pearl was a mess. Her hair was ruffled, her face was tear streaked, her eyes had dark shadows lining their lower halves, and her posture was slumped. Connie put a careful hand on Pearl's arm, in a form of comforting for something she didn't even know what for.

"Pearl... are you okay? Where's Steven?" Connie asked, her heart fluttering worriedly.

Pearl jumped slightly at the mention of Steven's name, and she and Amethyst exchanged glances. The purple gem bit her lip, and looked away, while Pearl avoided the subject by ignoring it altogether. She walked away so that Connie wouldn't see her cry.

Amethyst, two nights before, had run off to the only place she thought she'd be able to truly be alone. Her place. The kindergarten. Despite walking around for over an hour, furiously turning boulders to gravels and whipping against the ghostly canyon walls, Amethyst wasn't able to release her painful feelings. It felt like the day Rose left, but different. Amethyst didn't know how, but it was different.

After returning from her lonely rage, Sapphire had greeted her inside Steven's room area. The one-eyed gem had foreseen Amethyst's return, and while the blue gem was still shaky, Sapphire asked that Amethyst come with her to break the news to Lapis and Peridot.

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