9 - Two-Hundred and Thirty-Two Steps

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Steven sulked in his dark, tiny cell. He regretted saying goodbye to Peridot, or at least not saying more. But, what could he have said? Steven's hope in returning home was draining into negative amounts.

All Steven could think about was what he lost.

His home.

His family.

His friends.

His posessions.


Steven laid down on his back and stared at the colorless ceiling. He sighed a long, deep sigh and closed his eyes.

"Why did I do this?" Steven asked himself quietly. "What would I even have gotten out of it if Blue Diamlnd hadn't been near the palanquin?"

He turned his head, now looking at the grey wall, that looked exactly the same as the ceiling had. Steven startled, sitting up, when the wall suddenly opened, letting in a light almost blinding for Steven's unadjusted eyes.

After a few moments, however, he was able to make out the figure of a tall person bending down into his small cell.

Usually, Larimar or Blue Diamond's pearl would be the one to bring Steven his tray of food. This was only the second time Pearl, the one he himself knew, brought the meal. This time, it was water, with applesauce and what looked like plain rice.

"Steven," Pearl whispered, anxiously kneeling down and setting Steven's tray aside on the floor. She pulled Steven into a tight embrace, and made sure the guards of the door weren't paying them attention. They seemed to be having a quiet conversation amongst themselves.

Steven was tense, but relaxed in the soft hug of Pearl. It had been a while since he recieved any sort of kind touch from another person, and, letting out a soft breath, he realized how nice it felt.

"Steven..." Pearl pulled away and held Steven's face in her two hands. Steven had become pale as a ghost, his cheeks flushed red with the low temperatures of the Diamond Ship. His eyes were dark. They had lost the glimmer of mischieve and happiness they used to always hold. His hair would've been a tangled mess, had Steven not fingercombed it most of his lonely time in this prison.

Pearl once again grimaced at the diamond shirt they had made Steven wear. Pearl only hoped the Diamonds hadn't tortured Steven beyond showing him those shattered gems.

Glancing regrettfully again behind her at the guards who were still conversing silently, before once again loudly giving her lecture on nutritional benefits of applesauce, rice, and water. Steven listened, somewhat distracted by his thoughts, as Pearl covered up for the guards.

"...Let me think for a minute... Is there anything I may be missing?..." Pearl finished, believing that would buy her a couple minutes, at most. Then, turning completely away from the guards, she dropped her act, taking a deep breath.

"Steven, I'm so sorry... about everything," Pearl apologized practically mutely, a lump forming in her throat. She reached out a hand to caress Steven's face, but he moved away, his sad face becoming one of guilt. "Steven-"

"Pearl, you should go. The guards are going to become suspicious." he said, averting his gaze. A shadow fell across his face.

"What? Steven, I need to talk to you," Pearl said, surprised, but still aware of the auditory level of her voice. Steven shook his head, pulling his knees up to his chest.

"No, you don't, Pearl. You keep apologizing to me. I should be the one apologizing to you. To all of you. This is entirely my fault-"

"Steven, don't say that-"

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