27 - I Came Here For One Reason

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The view was sickening. Heart-wrenching. Disgusting.

Yellow Diamond hated this planet, and she always would. It was a mound of dirt with absolutely no potential. The diamond sighed in irritation.

It hadn't always seemed this way to her.

Vaguely, Yellow Diamond remembered the time that she and her two sisters had looked upon the planet with excitement, pride, and anticipation. They had had dreams, for their people as well as themselves.


It was a normal day, to those bystanders who were unaware of the events soon to unfold. Yellow Diamond was walking swiftly, her Pearl tagging behind her, chin raised.

Yellow Diamond hid her rising excitement under a mask of serious superiority.

Her Pearl smiled snootily, proud to be one of the few gems who knew of the plan the diamonds had in store. She always found ways to think of herself as above other gems.

The sky above was a mass of many different powdery colors of the galaxy, instead of just one monotone color, as Homeworld had no atmosphere. It was speckled with stars and looked very beautiful.

For the Homeworld gems, however, it was a normal sight. Not at all special, to them.

Yellow Diamond continued down a metallic, silver pathway, engraved with images of gem history and depictions of White Diamond.

Yellow walked up to the main entrance, concealing a courtyard that stretched out in front of a very open, columned, white palace, that lacked walls and instead sported glass or pillars.

The silver-uniformed guards nodded their heads respectfully as the diamond walked passed them and into the courtyard. Inside, many beautiful, high quality gems of White Diamond's court stopped and whispered amongst themselves, seeing Yellow Diamond.

She paid them no mind, continuing on with her Pearl.

When inside the beautiful, colorless building, Yellow Diamond knew exactly where she was going, despite the enormity of the grand Homeworld Palace.

The Diamond picked up her pace, anxious to speak with her equals.

Finally, Yellow Diamond arrived on a gorgeous balcony, sporting a diamond insignia on the floor, and many guards around the entrances. Blue Diamond and White Diamond sat, around a diamond shaped table, and nodded their heads in greeting as Yellow entered.

"Welcome, Yellow Diamond," White Diamond said, her deep, beautiful voice articulate.

Yellow Diamond took an empty chaise lounge chair that was next to the table. Blue Diamond smiled shyly, not yet burdened by the sadness she one day would never be able to let go.

Yellow Pearl joined Blue and White Pearl some ways away.

"I suppose this means our meeting has officially begun," White Diamond said, leaning gracefully on her chaise lounge chair, looking postured but comfortable. "Where shall we begin?"

Blue Diamond looked at an empty spot at the table.

"Some time soon," Blue said quietly, "There will be another at this table with us." Yellow allowed a small smile, and White Diamond slowly nodded, seemingly very relaxed.

"We must discuss this new planet... Earth," White Diamond said, thoughtfully. "My scholars have calculated the best spot for the incubation of Pink Diamond's gem. She should both be healthy and incubate faster."

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