14 - Desperate Measures

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The Gems prepared quickly and efficiently. Everyone had a job.

Garnet was overseeing the possible outcomes for the rescue mission, and was instructing everyone of what they should bring, or be prepared for, just in case.

Pearl was bringing the best of her sword collection, and was loading other things that Garnet directed her to onto the Ruby ship. Pearl carefully packaged tiny vials with Rose's tears from her fountain. There was one for each gem.

Peridot was making repairs on the ship, customizing the settings on the control panel, and was in the process of wrapping up the rewiring to make it comfortable for a human when in lightspeed travel.

Amethyst was helping Pearl collect things from the temple. Lapis Lazuli was... somewhere.

Up on top of the barn's silo, the tall blue gem sat facing away from the barn itself.

Her knees were pulled up to her chest, and she stared out over the fields of crops far below her. Lapis sighed and lifted her head.

"Amethyst! We do not need to bring that with us!" Pearl scolded in the distance.

"Why not? I'm gonna need snacks for the trip."

"First of all, you don't even need to eat. Second, you aren't going to take the entire fridge onto the ship! Now put that back, before all the food spoils!"

"Ugh, fine..."

Lapis rolled her eyes. Those two argued a lot, didn't they?

In all honesty, Lapis didn't feel like she was quite ready to take on Homeworld again, even it she'd only be getting Steven, and booking it back to the ship.

Lapis shook it her head.

It doesn't matter. You have to. For Steven.

Lapis stood up, and dived off the roof of the silo, spreading her water wings, and gliding back upwards. She turned around in the air and dropped back to earth to join the Crystal Gems.

"Is there anything I can help with?" she asked, awkwardly looking around at everyone else doing work. Garnet thought for a moment.

"Nope. We're pretty much done. We've got to get moving, though, and soon." Garnet said blankly. She walked over to Peridot. "You done?" Peridot fidgeted with the panel below the ship one last time, before rolling out from under it on her wheelie, and wiped her visor.

"Yup! Should be good to go!" Peridot stood up. Garnet turned to face everyone else.

"Alright, gems! Let's get going!" Garnet announced loudly.

"Just like that? Are you sure we don't need to prepare more?" Pearl asked uncertainly. Garnet crossed her arms.

"We've been preparing for a day. Let's go." Pearl glanced back into the barn, but complied, the rest of the gems following.

When everyone was loaded up into the ship and ready to go, Peridot sat down in the center of the five seats, and cracked her fingers outwardly. She fiddled with the controls expertly, then the ship vibrated slightly, before raising into the air and shooting off outside the earth's atmosphere.

"Well, we've got a one way trip to Pink Diamond's Zoo Base! We'll be there no less than an hour..." Peridot said excitedly, but then lost her confidence, "Are we all... ready for this?" Garnet readjusted her shades.

"We've been ready."

Everyone stiffened their worried expressions and nodded.

"Alright everyone, let's go over the plan!" Pearl said.

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