31 - A Diamond Holds the Iron Rod

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Amethyst and Pearl had moved through the crowd of Homeworld soldiers. There were still a great number left, but it was reduced now. The fight was even more intense than when it had started, considering the stronger quartzes made up the remaining numbers.

Garnet was making her way closer to Amethyst and Pearl as well. The meeting point had been established earlier: under the building that Peridot was standing atop of.

It was time to start phase two of the plan. The gems would all meet together, and Pearl would even more intensely thicken the clouds. Lapis would fly down into the battle, and increase the defense of water guards around them, when she saw the cloud layer thicken.

After that, it would be time for the final phase: phase three. Everything was prepared. The gems were so close now, and they could feel their hearts racing.

Pearl and Amethyst fought their ways towards the rest of the Crystal team. Since everyone was already in the general area, it didn't take long.

"Peridot!" Garnet called up to the green gem as she dodged and retaliated a Homeworld's swipe.

The green gem didn't dare break her gaze away from the battle... or her concentration. She thrust her hands down, bringing a rain of sharp weapons upon the enemy.

"Yeah!?" Peridot yelled over the clashing and angry screaming from the battle. Garnet picked up a Homeworld gem, and poofed her, likewise to how she had poofed Peridot some time ago.

"Where's Steven?" Garnet yelled, swiftly bubbling the gem, and moving out of the way when a Homeworld soldier was thrown backwards by a water soldier.

Peridot turned her head back towards the gems for a moment.

"I thought he was with you!" she yelled. Amethyst allowed herself a moment to speak.

"He came over here earlier, when I left to fight with Pearl!" she shouted helpfully, hoping to spark some memory in Peridot. Peridot shrugged quickly.

"I didn't notice!" Peridot yelled with exasperation. "I was kind of busy!" Pearl looked at Garnet, worried. She immediately assumed the worst possible situation ever and stuck with the thought. Garnet didn't want her teammates to become stressed.

"He's got to be around here somewhere!" Garnet said, calming her teammates down. "He probably just forgot when he was supposed to make his way over!"

"I'll go look for him! Be right back!" Amethyst called out, making a peace sign as she inched her way around the side of the building.

The purple gem didn't want to admit it, but she immediately had a bad feeling inside of her. She had seen Steven go over to where Peridot was, and immediately assumed Peridot was aware.

She didn't want to be responsible if Steven was struggling with a fight or was hurt.

Then again, carefree Amethyst wasn't too concerned. She had trouble taking things seriously. She didn't really realize how bad situations could become in real life.

Caught off guard, Amethyst was struck on the arm with a battle-axe. Just as she turned to defend herself, the warrior who had attacked her had his legs pushed out from under him by his watery opponent.

Amethyst moved faster through the battle. Some of the gems around her were even taking on two, sometimes three water warriors at this point. It was pretty impressive... considering the whole oceanic army was controlled by one person.

Amethyst began searching around her, through what she could see of the mist, for any sign of Steven. She didn't find one.

Periodically, as Amethyst moved quickly through the battle, she would call out the boy's name as loud as she could, and listened carefully for a response. So far, nothing.

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