8 - Snitch

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Yellow Diamond paced the floor, the sound of her boots clacking echoeing through the virtually empty room. Pearl sat in a simplistic yellow chair at the the side of the room, ears and eyes ready for any command her diamond might give her.

Yellow Diamond was deep in thought. Blue Diamond and her pearl were bound to arrive soon. Blue had said she had gained very important information on this 'Steven', and was going to share it with her soon.

Yellow Diamond was anxious. She was eager to get her and Blue Diamond's plan done with, finally ridding them of the root of most of Homeworld's problems. Well, the major ones.

After a few more moments of pacing, Blue Diamond entered the room, followed by her pearl and another gem, which Yellow Diamond regretfully recognized. An Azurite. You could never trust and Azurite. Sometimes, Yellow Diamond wondered why Blue Diamond made them. Blue always claimed that she needed spies for the rebellion war, but Yellow still didn't appreciate the fact that Blue Diamond kept Azurites so near to her. They'd be the perfect gem to decieve and rebel. You could never tell what they were thinking.

"My fellow Diamond, I have arrived," Blue Diamond announced, gracefully moving across the floor in an authorative manner. Her chin was up, and as she approached her sister Diamond, Blue lowered her hood, revealing her long face and big, sad eyes.

"My Pearl," Blue Diamond said, "You may stand in your place, by the door." Blue Pearl silently nodded, before she and Yellow Pearl stood like guardians at the sides of the door to the room.

"Blue," Yellow said in her strict, clear voice."You said you have information on the rebels?" Blue nodded, and a small smile played on her lips.

"My Azurite has given me important information. Azurite, please present what you have found," Blue Diamond said softly, stepping back.

Azurite stepped forward and saluted to Yellow Diamond.

"Your perfection, I have, indeed, found important news you will most likely wish to hear," she spoke in a monotone voice. Yellow Diamond tapped her foot impatiently.

"Well? What is it? Tell me, I don't have all day," she said. Azurite nodded.

"In regards to, 'Steven', I have come up with information that will be of use to your plan. The one that my Diamond has strictly shared with me." Azurite stepped forward, and a square, holographic screen appeared in front of her, as her gem (which happened to be on a shoulderblade) glowed slightly.

On it were images of four gems who were working aboard Yellow Diamonds ship. Yellow inspected the blue-tinted image narrowing her eyes. She had seen these gems before.

"What about them?" Yellow commanded suspiciously.

"Well, Steven has, unintentionally, revealed the names of these gems." Azurite projected each gem indivisually as she spoke their names. "A pearl, a ruby, a sapphire, and an amethyst. They are currently aboard Blue Diamond's ship, pretending to be serving you. However, these gems were said to be his caretakers on earth. I believe..." Azurite paused, pursing her lips. "I believe these to be what remains of Rose Quartz's rebellion army." Yellow Diamond scowled, and Blue Diamond dipped her head, at the mention of Rose Quartz. THE Rose Quartz.

In fact, Steven had accidentally revealed the gem types of the Crystal Gems that had taken care of him and followed his mother.

"Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, the diamonds... even my Dad!"

"Hmm... How do you know that these are the exact gems that hybrid spoke of?" Yellow questioned. Azurite looked up at her tall commander.

"He mentioned a pearl, an amethyst, and a garnet. I have looked through records and found that a garnet is the cross-gem fusion between a ruby, and a sapphire." Azurite glanced through her bangs at her own diamond. Blue had pulled her face into a grimace, remembering the fusion of the same sort she had witnessed herself, but did not say anything.

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