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Hello, fans and readers of Consequences!

I really don't know how to start this, but...

It's been a long time since  I first started writing this fanfiction. I can barely believe that it's finally finished. No more staying up late to post a chapter every night, and no more planning things out ahead of time.

Which is kind of sad, to be honest.

I loved the thrill of hitting that publish button and just waiting for the world to see what I wrote. I loved it when people were getting into the story, and commenting things like: "I love this fic!" and "This is amazing!" The first thing I did in the mornings was check to see if I had gotten any feedback yet. Well... after brushing my teeth and hair and stuff, of course.

Anyway, I remember how this all started.

I had watched the whole, leaked Steven Bomb 5 in my bedroom, on my laptop. I was so excited at the end, because, lets be honest, those episodes were AWESOME.

Of course, me being me, I thought, "What if things didn't go right?"

And bam, it had begun.

At first, I had made a small comic in my own art style, instead of writing. I tended to have commitment issues when it came to writing.

But, it was hard to stay within the same art style in a comic, so I was like, What the heck?

I began writing Consequences. At first, the title was literally just, 'Steven Universe - That Will Be All, AU' on my Google Drive.

I was really excited about the fanfiction when I first started it, so I had gotten in three or four chapters that day. Then, once I had gotten to six chapters, I thought: "I need to publish this!"

As you know, I already had a Wattpad account: SilverSmithson. You've probably never heard of it.

Sadly, I lost the password to that a long time ago, and I couldn't recover it. So, instead, I made a new account. I came up with the name 'Consequences' because it was the name of the comic I had started.

Within the next few days, an original cover art was uploaded, too.

When I first posted Consequences, I told myself, "Oh boy, you are going to regret this. You know you aren't ever able to commit to anything, and after a while, you'll be bored of this fanfiction." Sadly, I was right. I was updating randomly, and after long stretches of time.

When my internet first started having problems, I didn't even try to access my fanfiction. I felt guilty, since I knew this was going to happen.

Then I gave myself a pep talk: "You have to do this, Sodalite. People are out there reading your fanfiction, and you can't just leave them hanging! You know you hate it when other people become bored of their own fanfiction, so pick up your game, girl!"

As soon as my internet was fixed, I posted another chapter. Then another the next night, and so on. It became an unspoken vow to publish a chapter a night, and I gladly accepted it.

After those two weeks of my internet being completely down,  and having unintentionally left you readers on quite a cliffhanger, I jumped right back in. All I could think about those two weeks was needing to get back to writing, so people didn't think I had quit.

Finally, we're here.

It's over, isn't it? But, nothing ever truly ends...

Anyway, if there is one thing that's kept me going through this book, its been the audience. The readers. I am so extremely grateful for all the amazing comments and feedbacks and votes and follows... I was always so happy just to see that there were more views, so you can imagine how elated I felt when someone called my fanfiction, "The best fanfiction I've ever read."

I want to give a huge thank you to all my readers and followers who are out there reading this right now, but there are a few people I would love to give a special thanks to.

These people have been constantly reviewing, and being patient with me, and keeping me motivated. I want you to know it really means a lot.

A big shout out to:








Thank you all so much! Its been great writing this for you, and I hope everyone enjoyed the ride!


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