32 - Fighting Fire With Water

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They were all going to die. Everything was for not. All their efforts... all their time... Everything had led up to this. Now, well, the Crystal Gems were definitely going to be shattered.

Right here, with Yellow Diamond and her army, on the long sands of Beach City... this was the end of the line.

"You, disgusting fusion, seperate immediately." Yellow Diamond said as Garnet began moving forward. Too sullen and hopeless to object, the fusion of love came apart. Ruby and Sapphire joined the assembly line.

When Sapphire stumbled forward in complete despair, Ruby helped to hold her up.

The silence was unbearable. Even the ocean seemed to have been stilled. There were no seagulls, and only a dry, lifeless wind blew.

Ruby sent a bewildering death glare towards a Homeworld soldier who had snickered. The red gem's eyes contained so much pure loathing, that the rude soldier who had made fun of their defeat was soon silenced.

Yellow Diamond stood tall and proud in front of the rebel gems who had completely destroyed Homeworld's perfect dystopia. This was the moment she had been waiting for since the first war.

Revenge was all Yellow had ever wanted, since the fateful day Pink Diamond was shattered, and here she was, about to have it.

Yellow Diamond thought back into the times of the past war. Blue Diamond would very much regret refusing to take part in this mission now. Yellow Diamond would be the only one to savour the defeat of her mortal enemies fresh.

This was your loss, Yellow Diamond thought.

The Crystal Gems were right below her now, looking down with fear and hatred and despair in their eyes. Yellow Diamond smiled, eyes glinting venomously in the darkened sunlight. She opened her mouth to give an order of capture...

But she was stopped.

A huge, watery hand quickly rose from the ocean, taller than the diamond herself, and latched onto Yellow Diamond's shoulders. The diamond gasped, as she was yanked back. She didn't fall, but she did become angry.

Who was trying to foil her sweet, cold revenge? Who would dare directly assault her, Yellow Diamond?

The crowd watched the quick attack in disbelief, and the Crystal Gems had to hold themselves back from averting their gazes to Lapis Lazuli. What was she doing!? This was practically suicide!

Yellow Diamond sent a strong force of electricity into the ocean's hand, to which it immediately dissipated. However, another giant wave of water was already forming, and washed over yellow diamond's right side.

When Yellow Diamond sent a bright shockwave through the second watery attack, what was left of the wave dissipated too.

But it was too late. Yellow Diamond looked down at her to see that nothing remained in her grasp besides the gem of her military general. The Diamond bared her teeth, and threw the gem to one of her soldiers to catch.

"Shatter them, NOW!" Yellow Diamond commanded, enraged and humiliated. She wasn't going to wait to kill the rebels, at this point.

The Crystal Gems had been just as stunned and surprised as everyone else, but they knew this was the only chance they had to escape, if this could be considered chance at all.

Pearl summoned the thickest clouds she could muster, and the rebels ran. Ruby and Sapphire proceeded to hurriedly fuse back together.

The watery army that had distracted Homeworld for so long before returned, and charged, easily making their way through the mist.

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