15 - Safety

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The tall purple fusion known as Chalcedony stood blinking in surprise. This state of silent shock stretched out for at least five minutes straight.

Then, one of the two halves of the fusion, Lapis' side, dawned once more on the fact that she and Steven had to get out of there. ASAP. Lapis quickly took the wheel of the fusion and Chalcedony spread her large water wings wide.

She jumped out into the hallway, gliding on the air. The hallway was only three feet taller than Chalcedony herself was, so, the gem had to maneuver carefully. The Steven half of Chalcedony was dragging the fusion behind, despite Steven's ability to float.

Steven's side of the fusion was purposely trying to hold themselves back, while Lapis was trying to move forward.

Stop fighting me, Steven!, Lapis said internally.

No! I'm not worth your time! I-I only mess things up! Steven argued.

Yes! You are! Steven, snap out of it! We all care about you!

Chalcedony faltered midair, grimacing, as the two halves of her quarreled. Lapis gained control again, however, and pushed forward. She was relieved to find that the hallways grew taller once out of the living areas and quarters.

Oh, really? Then why are you trapping me in a FUSION, just like Malachite?

Chalcedony stopped, her eyes going wide. Her water wings straight out disappeared, and the fusion fell to the floor.

Leaning upwards, Chalcedony gripped the side of her head. She could feel a major migraine coming on by the rush of emotions Lapis felt towards the sensitive subject. Still sitting on the cold floor, the fusion actually spoke allowed.

"I-I'm doing this for your own good, Steven. You... You'll thank me later," The voice sounded more like Lapis' when Chalcedony said this. The Steven half of the fusion, in this moment of weakness, tried to pull away from Lapis, but Lapis held firm.

She really was trapping Steven in a fusion. She really was Malachite, just with a different victim.

Standing again, Chalcedony shook her head. Steven was not a victim. He wouldn't cooperate. Lapis had to do this. She really had no other ideas.

Lapis again took control of the fusion, to much objection from her other half. Lapis noted how much easier it was to take over a fusion with a partner that was so weak.

You are not weak, Steven! Lapis said internally, becoming slowly desperate. The Crystal Gems really hadn't warned her well enough about how bad the situation had become.

Steven didn't respond, but Chalcedony was overwhelmed with a heavy feeling of self-doubt and defiance.

Pushing the feeling away, Chalcedony summoned her aquatic butterfly wings and leaped into the air.

The ship was a maze.

It took a long time for Chalcedony to find her way back to where Lapis and the others had first entered onto the blue ship.

When they... she neared, Chalcedony heard the chaos of battle. Shouting, yelling, and panic filled the air. Chalcedony lingered in the hallways outside of the lobby.

Neither side of her was sure if they should go out there at the time. The fighting sounded really heated, a huge contrast to the silence of the nearly emptied ship.

Chalcedony's heart beat hard.

"I really hope the Crystal Gems have held out up to now..." she said absentmindedly. The top pair of eyes on the fusion's face widened.

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