2 - Interrogation

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Steven awoke from a dreamless sleep to the sound of... metallic banging? Why?

He opened his eyes, and was surprised to find himself in a dark, cold room. Where was he? When Steven finally woke up completely, he remembered. And he wished he hadn't. He was captured by Homeworld. He didn't know where the gems were. His dad was in a zoo. Steven himself was feeling hungry, thirsty, and tired, as his sleep had been fitfull.


What was that noise? Steven sat up as his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him. The air was like ice, and he sneezed. It reminded him of when he was outside of the warp stream.

Suddenly, the outline of a door traced itself on one of the walls with blue light, then opened to reveal the blue gem that had brough him here, and two, different looking soldiers standing on each side of the door. Steven stood as the gem escort smirked.

"It's about time you'd woken up. Pathetic. Gems don't even need sleep, but you just cowered right away, didn't you?" The blue gem didn't wait for a response, as he quickly grabbed Steven's arm again.

As she led Steven through the corridors to wherever they were going, the gem soldier would not stop talking.

"You's better be on your best behavior," she said, "or else. Blue Diamond has requested to see you. You are going to be put into interrogation over a matter she did not want to discuss. I'm sure it's very serious, as you will be seeing my diamond herself..." The soldier kept on rambling, and to be honest, it kind of intimidated Steven. Interrogation? Steven didn't even know if he even was going to know the answers to the questions he'd be asked.

Steven's heart was beating hard byt the time the escort said, "We're here." The two gems stood in a very tall hallway. The walls were decorated with murals of what looked like Blue Diamond conquering planets. The floor was a diamond patterned blue and light blue, while the doors in front of them, at the end of the hall, were large with a diamond shaped framing.

The great double doors opened, a the Blue Pearl that had accompanied Blue Diamond earlier stood at the side, her beautiful bangs hanging over her eyes. She nodded at the guard, and eyed Steven warily. Steven mirrored her.

Suddenly, a young voice boomed in the dark room, "Pearl, Larimar, you may take your leave, now." The guard, appearantly a Larimar, looked shocked. She formed her hands into the diamond salute.

"But, my diamond, respectfully, you must have assistance at your side! Or, at least a guard-"

"You may take your leave," the voice said icily. Larimar gulped and then grimaced down at Steven.

"You'd better not try anything, runt," she, then stomped away. Blue Pearl shut the door behind them. Steven was all alone in the dark room. He realized that the room was so dark, he couldn't even see the person who had spoken before. This only made him feel more nervous. Steven bit his lip and took a careful step forward.

"H-hello?" he said, looking around. No one answered him. "Um... Blue Diamond?" Steven managed. The air became tense, and Steven took a step back.

Out of nowhere a burning cold sensation quickly wrapped itself around Steven's ankle. He gasped and stumbled backward. He was only a little relieved to see it was just a faintly glowing blue chain, the end travelling off into the darkness.

"Who are you?" a strong, familiar voice commanded. Steven jumped, and fell backwards. At first Steven's throat went dry, and he couldn't say anything. Not waiting for an answer, the voice reapeated itself, a little louder. Steven shivered. All the rooms on whatever place he was in seemed to be cold.

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