25 - Wave One

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Running. The group was spreading out, getting ready to gain the element of surprise. The small army of Homeworld gems that had been sent to scout were behind them, but they wouldn't be for long.

The Crystal Gems had to be quick with their plans, or they might be trapped by the Homeworld soldiers. They had to surround the scouts, without them knowing, then spring out and attack.

Exhilaration filled the hearts of the rebel gems as they fanned out, looking for places to hide in the Kindergarten. Dully, the sound of footsteps could be heard at the far end of the isolated canyon, where the warp pad was.

The Crystal gems had bought up a head start, because the little legion of Yellow Diamond's soldiers would take a long time to regroup, considering how long it would take to warp the two hundred or so quartzes they were made up of.

Getting here was the hardest part for the rebel team, too.

They had allowed a few days to pass, staying within the temple rooms, hoping against hope that the Homeworld Gems weren't going to be waiting for them right outside the door.

"We can't stay in here forever," Garnet commented. "It's time we face them. Staying here would only make us trapped. Plus, we need to face them eventually."

Everyone was a little reluctant to leave the safety of the temple just yet, but they had done some training, and Pearl and Peridot actually cooperated (well, mostly) while laying out different battle strategies and situations.

"Remember, while we may be more experienced, there is strength in numbers." Pearl had said.

"Yes," Peridot agreed, and pointed a yardstick to a diagram on a chalkboard the gems had found leaning against an old oven and tent in Amethyst's mess of a room. "That is why, you have to try to use their own strength against them. For example, if you are fighting multiple gems at once, (which you mostly likely will), try maneuvering so that they clash with each other, when trying to attack you."

Everyone nodded their head along with the little lessons and demonstrations Peridot and Pearl had performed.

Pretty soon, the Crystal Gems were readying their weapons and selves for the battles that would ensue. They all, just for extra defense, shapeshifted thin layers of armour beneath their clothing, such as chest-plates.

"Is everyone ready?" Garnet asked. Everyone nodded, and Peridot came running over, holding an old dagger Pearl gave her. She had a bunch of metal sword clipped around her waist, even the green gem was far from a swordfighter.

Garnet frowned at Peridot, looking over possibilities of what might happen in her head. Peridot did have metal powers, yes, and she was good at strategizing... but the gem herself wasn't prepared for a full scaled battle. Especially one where she could be separated from the others and would actually have to fight. On her own.

"Peridot," the fusion said sternly, walking over to where the short gem stood. Said gem looked up into Garnet's glasses.

"What?" she said, defensively, in her nasally voice.

"You're going to stay here," Garnet said. Peridot looked insulted.

"What? Why?" she complained.

"First of all... I'm honestly very worried about how you'd fare when a battle breaks out." Garnet had seen in her future vision that there'd definitely be some fighting should the gems leave.

Peridot was about to object, when Garnet added, "Besides, we need someone to look after Steven's gem." Peridot closed her mouth, and glanced over to where the rosy gem as cushioned in a huge pile of a variety of old blankets, couch cushions, and pillows Amethyst had managed to find in her room.

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