18 - You Haven't Won Yet

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"Steven!" Greg cried, opening his sunburnt arms to his son he was worried he'd never see again.

"Dad!" Steven ran up to his father, hugging him profusely. Steven didn't notice when his father began to cry with relief, mouthing 'thank you' to the proud gems that stood a little bit back. The Crystal Gems smiled and made space for Greg's reunion with his son.

"Oh, man, Shtu-ball. I was so worried about you..." Greg said, releasing Steven from the hug and rubbing the back of his neck. Then he smiled and ruffled the 14 year old's hair. "I should've known it would be okay. You guys always work things out, somehow..." Steven nodded, and hugged his dad again.

"Steven, I just remembered. Your friend Connie came by the car wash yesterday... She seemed really worried about you Steven. If you want, I can call her over..." Greg offered.

"Yeah!" Steven agreed. Then his face fell. "She wasn't, like... really upset, was she?" Concern was evident in Steven's voice.

"I don't know Steven. She was pretty worried... But I'm sure she'll be okay when I call and tell her you're back." Greg reassured. Steven sighed.

He was happy to be back on Earth again, but he was still afraid he was hurting the ones he cared about. Garnet's 'chat' had really helped, but still...

There was this sinking feeling inside him that he caused all of this.

"Okay." Steven said.

Greg nodded and walked into the car wash, ready to call Steven's friend over. He was oblivious to the inner turmoil his son had gone through over the past few weeks, but Steven wanted to keep it that way.

He didn't want to worry his dad more than he already had.

As Steven waited for Connie to come over, he sat and just thought. He definitely wasn't lacking things to think about.

The first thing to pop into Steven's mind was Homeworld.

Something was nagging at the back of his mind. He and the gems had escaped so easily... it was weird. After all the epic stories Pearl had told him about the Gem War, Steven would've never imagines it to be so easy to evade the Diamonds' power. Especially, when the Crystal Gems were right in their grasp.

Steven bit his lip, not wanting to spend time worrying over the outcomes of something that was probably nothing to make a fuss over anyway.

Pushing away his fears, Steven stood up, a smile spreading across his face. Connie had arriving, yelling his name as she excitedly got out of her car. She was obviously relieved to see her best friend alive and well.


"YOU LET THEM ESCAPE!?" Yellow Diamond bellowed in pure rage, electricity crackling off of her shoulders.

The general below her, a citrine, trembled in fear. An angry diamond was a deadly diamond.

"Th-they just... w-we... we-couldn't... I-I-I'm sorry, my, d-diamond," The poor Citrine stuttered out. Citrine was a usually strong warrior, high and commanding, looking down upon the armies she commanded. The proud, confident gem had never felt so vulnerable.

"ENOUGH!" Yellow Diamond yelled in fury. She tried to compose herself, but her anger had complete hold of her. "I will deal with you later! Go to your quarters at once!" Yellow Diamond towered above the much smaller gem, eyes intense and intimidating.

"Y-Yes, my Diamond!" the general obediently breathed in horror. She quickly performed the diamond salute before scrambling out of the room as fast as her legs could carry her.

As soon as the gem was gone, Yellow Diamond screamed in frustration, slamming her hands on the table in front of her.

Yellow Pearl jumped, cold sweat beginning to appear on her face. She didn't dare say anything, lest she get shattered.

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