3. Primrose Everdeen

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The holding cell smelt of wet concrete and mould. It was basically the size of a small bathroom. She was sharing it with Cinna, Finnick and Rue. Considering Finnick and her were the only ones with common sense, it wasn’t Snows’ best move.

They were sitting on the floor together in silence, all of them thinking about the prospect of having to murder Katniss. They all realised that if they didn’t do what Snow said, he would either torture them or just kill them again.

Finnick still thought he could bring it down from the inside but Prim had lost most of her initial hope of doing so. She didn’t think that it would be possible to defeat President Snow again.

Rue sat next to Prim, churning over what Snow said their mission involved. Katniss had been Rues’ ally in the games. She had saved her from the net. Although Marvel had stabbed her with a spear she did everything that she could to try and save her. Rue was very thankful to her and didn’t know if she could murder her in cold blood.

Even though her common sense was modified by the berries it had been very high before so it wasn’t very different now. Cinna was the same. He had always known the line between right and wrong and now it was only a little bit different.

“We can’t just sit here.” Finnick broke the silence. “We have to do something. I’m not about to just listen to what Snow wants me to do, especially when it involves killing one of my friends.”

Prim nodded. “I agree Finnick.” He looked delighted.  “But, I don’t think we will be able to.”

Finnicks’ face dropped, “Why not?” he asked crestfallen.

“Because, I think that Snow will have extra security measures put in place for this very reason. He made the mistake once why would he do it again.”

Finnick sat there processing what she had said. She did have a point but there wasn’t anything keeping them from pretending to go along with Snows’ plan, and then bringing it down from the inside.

“What if we went along with all of the plans and everything, and then bring it down from the inside. Snow would probably be thinking that if we disagree that we would refuse to do it, like what Katniss did.”

Cinna, Prim and Rue thoughts it over. Finnick could be right. Snow would probably think that they would do what Katniss did, but if we were to pretend then we were on his side then they might have a chance in bringing him down.

“Okay.” Cinna and Rue agreed.

Prim was still reluctant. She didn’t want to be a part of the destruction of her sister and this was her only option. She sighed, “Okay. So what’s the plan?”


A guard came to all of the cells and let them out, so that Snow could see them again. There was a guard leading them back to where Snow was residing and there was a guard at the back of the group making sure none of them tried any funny business.

Instead of making tracks towards his office they took a different route. They went through so many hallways, that all looked the same, that Prim lost count. She was trying to make sure that she knew where she had to go if they had to escape quickly.

The guard brought them to a set of silver, metal, double doors and turned to face them. “President Snow is in here. He is going to see how well you guys can fight and what your skills are. Please do not start any fights with each other.” He turned and pushed open the doors.

Inside was a large arena with stations of different abilities, like archery, knives throwing, fishing and fighting. There were shelves with weapons all over the walls. Finnick was gob smacked. The area looked like the training arena from the games. It made him nervous and brought back horrible memories.

Snow smiled at them, “Welcome. This is where I will see how useful you will be to my mission. There are different stations and I will watch every one of you very, very carefully. This is your chance to prove your assistance to my mission.”

The careers cheered and ran off excitedly. Mags and Wiress made their way to the fishing station together. They had bonded a lot over the past few days. The only people who hadn’t moved were Rue, Prim, Cinna and Finnick.

“We need to prove our worth more than anyone else if he is going to trust us.” Finnick whispered through his teeth. “Do whatever you can and make sure he sees.” 

He and Cinna walk off together. Rue and Prim exchange a meaningful look and went in separate directions. Prim made her way to the archery station. She had never had the heart to kill an animal but she thought that if Katniss could do it maybe she could.

She picked up a bow and a sling of arrows. Katniss had tried to teacher how to hunt once. Even though she didn’t catch anything she learnt how to hold it properly and the basics of shooting. 

The archery station was made up of targets in the shapes of people. The middle of the target was where Prim hoped she could hit it. There were 10 of the side by side.

Prim brought the bow into the position Katniss had taught her and readied the bow. She aimed and shot. She didn’t wait to see the outcome and moved on the next target making sure her eyes never wandered back at the previous targets. Aim, shoot, move on. Aim, shoot, move on. She continued this pattern until she had shot at all of the targets.

She turned around and found that everybody was staring at her. Prim felt heat rising to her cheeks. Why were they staring at her? Had she been that bad? Slowly she turned to face the targets.

On every one of the targets there was an arrow right in the middle of the target. Prim just stared at the targets. Had I really got all of the arrows on the middle?

Behind her someone had started to clap. Prim could here as the clapping began to get louder and louder. They were all congratulating her on her achievement.

Unsteady on her feet, Primrose turned to face everyone clapping. Finnick even wolf whistled a bit. Everybody, except the careers, were clapping. Even Snow.

Prim looked him in the eyes. He had better realise that she was going to do anything she could to make sure that her sister and her family weren’t hurt, not even a scratch. He smiled at her. He was planning something, Prim could tell, he had the same look in his eyes as when Katniss talked about running away.

This was not good. 

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