11. Peeta Mellark

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Peeta stared around at the remains of the Capitol. He had never realised what everyone had done to it after the rebellion. They must have come down to the Capitol and destroyed it purposely.

Katniss turned in a circle looking around at the destruction around her. Her eyes widened when they landed on the only building left standing. A tall, white manor of a building. Peeta looked at it too, only one thought racing through his mind, It has to be Snow’s.

Katniss looked worriedly at her husband. Peeta nodded and reached out his hand to hers. She took it softly and they began to walk towards the large house.

As they walked, Peeta stared around at the rubble. It surrounded him and Katniss. The rubble was piled in small, but tall amounts around what used to be the Capitol.

There were so many piles around, that Peeta was slightly unnerved by it. He hated the thought of everyone coming, and deliberately causing the same destruction the Capitol did on their own homes. 

He imagined all of the people living in the Capitol, and the heartbreak they too had to go through. All because someone had a grudge against President Snow.

Peeta stepped swiftly up onto the manor steps, Katniss in tow. He looked at Katiss out of the corner of his eye, and she nodded. He reached out his hand to the door handle, and turned it. It opened to show a huge, white marble house.

It was enormous. It was a two storey house, all made of a creamy, white marble.  The staircase seemed to go on for miles, trying to reach the top floor.

Peeta sighed at how beautiful it looked.  Every single thing was so pretty. Every single thing. The tiles, knick knacks, plates, paintings, and furniture.

He walked forwards and inspected the living room lounge. It was made of soft leather, and was probably the most comfortable chair he had ever sat on.

Peeta turned his head and smiled at Katniss, who was still standing in the doorway. “Come on!” he gestured for her to come towards him.

Slowly and cautiously, she walked forwards and sat next to him on the seat. “Peeta?” she asked quietly.

“Yes, what is it?” Peeta looked concernedly at her.

“Do you really think this was Snow’s house?” Katniss turned and stared him right in the eyes, her grey ones glassy with what might have been fear.

Peeta nodded slowly. “Yes. I know for a fact it is.”

“How?” Katniss’s eyes widened. 

“Because of this.” He got up and made his way over to a small cabinet, that only came up to his hip.  Katniss couldn’t quiet see what he was picking up off of it, but as soon as Peeta turned around, she understood completely.

Peeta held a white rose in his hand.

He placed it back down on the cabinet and made his way back to the couch. “The roses are all around the manor. I noticed on my way in that there were heaps placed everywhere.” 

They sat together for a while, silently. It was getting dark so Katniss spoke up about sleeping arrangements. “Where are you supposed to sleep? There aren’t any houses besides this one, and this one is…” she shuddered slightly.

Peeta sighed. “Well, really this is our only choice. There is literally nowhere else to sleep.” He stood up and made his way over to the stairs, and began to climb.

Katniss was confused, but hurried after him. The stairs took forever to climb, but finally Katniss reached the top. The top floor was populated by lots of different rooms, probably bedrooms. The carpet was a creamy colour.

Peeta was already in a cupboard, dragging out blankets and pillows. He looked over his shoulder and called to Katniss, “Well are you gonna help me or not?”

She smiled and rushed to over to help him.


Finally, after going through almost every room and cupboard on the second floor, Peeta and Katniss had gotten all that they had needed.

They trudged down the stairs and set to work making comfortable beds. Peeta had insisted that Katniss had to sleep on the lounge, leaving him with the nice soft, wooden floor. Katniss didn’t like the idea, but knew there was no way of telling him otherwise.

Katniss finshed quickly. Peeta stared in shock at her. He had never been the best at making beds, but how quickly she had done that was just ridiculous. She smiled and helped him finish off making his, make-do bed.

They finished and stood looking longingly at the beds. “Well,” Peeta stretched. “I’m going to bed. What about you?” He crouched and snuggled his way under his thin sheet.

Katniss smiled at him, knelt down to him, and kissed him. Peeta was happy she still loved him the way he had loved her ever since he was little. Katniss got up, and also snuggled into her sheets.

Peeta smiled up at her an offered his hand. She took it in hers and let her eyes fall, heavy with tiredness.  Peeta looked at her. She had always been beautiful, and always would be. Especially to him.

Peeta slowly fell into a deep sleep, still holding Katniss’ hand in his.


He woke the sound of yelling and thumping.  Peeta scrambled up, eyes wide. Beside him on the lounge, Katniss looked as if she were a tiger, ready to pounce on her prey.

The thumping gradually louder, Katniss’ heart beat got faster with every stomp. She was so worried that somehow, President Snow would walk through the door.

Peeta grabbed her hands and squeezed it reassuringly, even though, he wasn’t sure of anything himself. Suddenly the thumping stopped. Peeta relaxed slightly, but Katniss knew better.

The door flung open and a figure stormed in rushing towards Peeta and Katniss. Katniss threw herself onto the person pinning them against the wall.

It was a woman, tall and muscular with short, choppy brown hair. Her eyes widened as Katniss pinned her arm against her neck. Abruptly, she smiled widely.

“Well, hasn’t it been a long time Katniss? How have you been?”  Her eyes sparkled with a happiness Katniss had never seen. She knew her, but from where? Then, it dawned on her. 

“Johanna?” Katniss finally chocked out.

Johanna smiled and laughed. “Yep, that’s me alright! Whatcha been up to?” she titled her head slightly to one side.

Katniss unpinned her and said, “Looking for President Snow.”

So, how did you like it?? I thought I need to tie Johanna in somehow!! She is a great character after all! Please, comment what you like or any feedback you have, and if you enjoy vote!! I hope you have enjoyed this so far!!

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