15. President Snow

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who waited for this update!

I FINALLY UPDATED FOR REAL!! YAY!!! I'm so sorry about how late it was... I had the worst writer's block I have ever had! Forgive me...?

Snow took a deep nervous breath. He hated that he seemed to be losing control. The fact that, two of the most highly graded prisoners in his cells had escaped, it just added to the feeling of losing control.

Ever since Myra had helped Finnick defy him. Ever since Katniss Everdeen had defied him with the berries, he had slowly felt people, his people, slipping away from him. Slipping away from him, about to bring him down.

He walked slowly back to the training room. He had left the guards to look after the members of his army while he checked out the escapees. It was such a long walk all the way back to the training room from the cells.

It felt like forever before he finally turned the corner to the corridor he wanted. Immediately, his heart stopped. The doors were wide open to the training room.

Snow charged into the room. Weapons were strewn everywhere. The guards he had left to look after his army were on the floor. No… Snow thought. “NO!” He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Snow raced over to each of the guards in turn, shaking them to see if they would wake. As it turned out, none of them did. Snow didn't know if they were dead, or just unconscious, all he knew was that he hated it.

He hated it with a passion. He took a sharp intake of breath and screamed. Screamed at the top of his lungs so that everyone in a mile ratio would be able to hear him.

Snow finally stopped and tried to compose himself a bit. He tried to think rationally about the situation he was in. Thoughts churned over in his mind as he tried to sift throughout them. Nothing came to mind that seemed could help him in any way.

Snow began to pace, a million things still going through his mind. Suddenly, after several minutes of pacing, a great idea popped into his head. Snow smiled slightly, and raced towards the only laboratory in his prison.

He wasn't the best and fastest runner ever, so it took him quite a while to get there. On his way though, he was able to have a good look around to see if there was any other people still in in the prison besides him and his servants.

There was only him and his servants left. It was a shame he had to use his servants for the plan but he could always find more after the plan was done.

He pushed the door to the laboratory and rushed inside. Inside the lights were turned off but he could still just see where everything was placed. There were shelves stacked along the walls. Most of the glasses were empty, apart from the ones behind the only table in the room.

Snow walked swiftly over to it and grabbed a couple of the glasses. As he began to make his way out, two shadows stood in his way. “What are you doing with the glasses?” a husky voice asked.

Snow looked down slightly, searching for the two people’s eyes and found bright gold ones staring back at him. “I am going to use them to my advantage.” He tried to push past the two of them, but they stood firmer.

“No you’re not. We worked really hard on perfecting that brew. We are not going to watch as you use it for no reason and waste it!” The two of them stopped shoulder to shoulder in front of the doorway, their eyes gleaming a bright gold.

Snow sighed. He didn't want to hurt them, but it seemed it would be the only way to get past them. He must have forgotten to top up on the brew with them. It must be why he seemed to have his own opinion. 

Snow turned around quickly and grabbed an empty glass nearby. He thrust it over his shoulder, towards the two of the scientists and heard a crash and a thump.

Snow turned back again and saw the one who had spoken to him on the floor blood leaking from his head. Snow smiled evilly and turned his attention towards the other scientist. Her eyes were wet with tears and concern.

“So, are you going to try and stop me or help me?” Snow asked.

She opened their mouth and mouthed the word ‘Help’. Suddenly, Snow remembered. “Oh I remember you. You were from District 3 and you defied me. I brought you here and I found out you had a skill in science. So I made you become a scientist. Grab some glasses and come with me!” He walked out of the room and back down the hallway, the scientist behind him.

Snow and the scientist first went to his office and placed all of the glasses on his desk. Then, they went from room to room looking for all of his servants. Slowly, he passed the message around to all of the Avox’s. Be at his office at midnight.


Snow stood smiling in front of all of his servants and Avox’s. They all stood nervously before him, awaiting his message. Snow noticed that they didn't fill up as much of his office as the previous army did, but they would have to do.

“So, you guys are probably wondering what you are doing here and what this mysterious concoction is.” He held up one of the glasses of the purple liquid. “Well, you are here to take this a sip of this liquid each.”

His servants had a mixture of different expressions. Surprise, anger, suspicion and wonder. Snow smiled. “I know that most of you don't trust me, but seriously this liquid will not harm you, only…” he struggled for a word for a moment, “aid you!”

Snow walked over to one of his servants. “Would you be willing to show everyone else it is harmless?” The girl looked shocked and scared. Slowly, she nodded her head. Snow handed her the glass and she took a small sip from it. 

Her hands shook as she gave the glass back to Snow. They waited. Nothing happened. The girl took a shaky breath and gave the thumbs up to the rest of the servants. There was a relived sigh some of them.

“Good. Now do you trust me?” They all nodded at him, some vigorously some tentatively. Snow nodded and made his way over to each of his servants. The scientist did the same on the other side.

After only a few minutes they had finished and Snow made his way to back in front of them all. “See I told you nothing bad would happen to you!”

Suddenly, the first girl to take the brew doubled over in what seemed like pain. All of the servants stared with concern as she opened her mouth as if she were screaming. Suddenly, she stopped and stood up quietly as if nothing had happened. Only one thing was different. Her eyes were gold now.

There was an obvious panic that spread throughout the group. It didn't last long though. They all began to double over too, and stand back up with golden eyes. It wasn't too long before they all had gold eyes and stood together like an army.

“Well, it didn’t hurt you too much did it?” They all shook their heads in unison. “Are you ready to fight?” They all nodded in unison. “I need a bit more exhilaration than that! Are you ready to fight?” He yelled.

All of his servants opened their mouths as if they were yelling and thrust their arms into the arm. “That’s more like it! Let’s go fight!” He walked to the back of the room and flung the doors open.

It was the beginning of another rebellion. This time, against Katniss Everdeen.

How was it? Good, bad? Yeah, I'm sorry for how lame-ish it was.... I just didnt have naything else to write.... Update will be this time next week! Sorry guys! Vote is you like it, comment what you think and I hope you are enjoying Berries of Revenge!

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