18. Johanna Mason

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Johanna sat quietly on the hovercraft mulling everything over. It was so weird. The prospect of having to deal with Snow again. It was so unnerving, nothing seemed to make any sense.

What Snow had been doing had obviously been going on for a long time. Johanna nervously looked over at Talkative. Katniss had filled her in on his story. Johanna’s opinion on Snow had only gotten worse. He was worse than evil now.

Johanna sighed. This was taking too long. It was annoying her. Everyone had been silent the whole ride so far. Johanna hated silence because it screamed the truth at her.

“So, how much longer is the hovercraft ride?” Johanna asked tentatively. Talkative looked over at her and smiled. Katniss and Peeta looked over interestedly.

“Well, I don’t know exactly how long it is, but judging from how long we have already been in it I don’t think it can be too long…” He trailed off for a moment. “But then again I don’t know for sure!” His face brightened slightly.

“Oh, okay then. I’m just kinda bored with all of this silence.” Johanna shrugged. 

Katniss and Peeta laughed heartily. “Well, we wouldn’t suspect anything else. I was waiting for you to say something actually.” Katniss smiled.

“Well, it’s too quiet and I don’t like it.” Johanna crossed her arms in mock annoyance. This time, even Talkative joined in the laughter.

Suddenly, the engine noise died down slightly and everyone looked around. There was a large thud and the hovercraft shook. Johanna laughed. “Well, I guess we are here!” Johanna jumped up and went to the door of the hovercraft. She turned around and looked over to her friends. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go kick Snow’s butt!”


Johanna peered around the corner. The hovercraft had parked in a garage. There was only one door that lead of from the room and once Johanna was out of the hovercraft she ran over too the door as quickly as possible.

Finally, some chaos. Johanna thought with relief. She wouldn’t have been able to last any longer in the silence. She peered silently around the corner. There was not a single person, or trace of a person to be seen.

“Come on.” Johanna turned behind her and saw everyone slowly getting out of the hovercraft. “Let’s go!” Everyone nodded and walked towards her cautiously. “Let’s go!” She grabbed Talkative’shandand pushed him into the corridor.

“Now, you probably know your way around so lead us.” Johanna stood tall. 

“Well, I only know the inside of this building, not anywhere else. I didn’t even know that room existed till just then.” Talkative turned and looked around the hallway, trying to get his bearings. “I know where we are. This way, but I can’t promise to find an exit, I am just going to lead you to Snow’s office.” Everyone nodded, and they began to walk.

“So, do you know about any secrets to this place?” Johanna asked, her eyes scanning quickly over every angle of the building.

“No, not at all. I only know main routes, sorry.” Talkative looked down at the ground. Katniss and Peeta exchanged a look.

They walked silently for a while until Katniss took a sharp intake of breath. “What is it?” Peeta look nervously at Katniss. She stood, hand extended towards a room with the door open and a light illuminating everything.

‘There, in there is…” She was unable to finish. Peeta followed her gaze carefully and finally found what her focus was on.

“Nightlock. But, it doesn’t look completely like nightlock…” Johanna started to walk towards the door but Katniss caught her wrist. 

Berries of Revenge - A Hunger Games FanFiction (Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now